Chapter 2

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3rd POV (Still!):

As we landed, we met up with Dani and headed to her house. After we ate dinner and were just chatting with each other when Vlad had offered everyone his homemade lemonade and nobody in this family could refuse lemonade. When he handed them out, he was wearing his apron that said kiss the cook and he was showing it off to Maddie but she refused. Vlad seemed disappointed but kept handing them out, when he handed one to Sam he smiled in a weird way. As everyone was drinking their lemonade Danny and Sam were excited to share some important news with everyone.

"So Sam and I have some important news that we found out a few hours ago..." Danny started.

"So a few hours ago I found out that I am pregnant. Since Danny is half ghost, so is the baby and somehow I temporarily have the ghost powers as well." Sam said excitedly.

"Wait, you temporarily have ghost powers? That's awesome, welcome to the club." Danielle laughed.

"That's amazing Sam, Jack you know what this means?" Maddie asked.

"What? Ghosts!" Jack asked, not even paying attention.

"No Jack, we're gonna be grandparents." Maddie said, very excited.

"That's wonderful Samantha. I'm so happy for you two." Vlad said.

"Thanks Vlad." Danny said hesitantly.

"It's Sam but thanks," Sam said.

"I knew on the plane ride! I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut and I did!" Jazz blurted out. Everyone began to laugh.

"That's Amazing you guys! You two will be amazing parents." Valerie said.

"Yea, without a doubt. Also Jack you owe me 10 bucks" Tucker said.

"Yea yea, here you go." Jack said, giving him the $10.

"You bet on us again?! What was the bet?" Danny said.

Everyone was silent.

"Spill it Tuck." Sam said.

"Me and Jack made a bet to see who would be parents first, I said you and Danny and Jack said Jazz and Dash." Tucker blurted, waiting for something to happen.

Sam was about to yell at Tucker for making another bet on her and Danny, but then Sam's phone started to ring.

"I'll be right back." Sam said, walking into the other room.

As she walked into the room there was The Fright Knight.

"Can I call you back...yes I will call you back mother, ok bye." Sam said, hanging up the phone.

"What do you want, Fright Knight?"Sam asked.

"Well since you asked..." Fright Knight started.

He Grabs Sam and Phases through the ceiling.

"Danny!! Help!" Sam shouts being carried into the sky by Fight Knight.

"Sam!" Danny yells back running after them, but only to find a note on the island by Sam's phone that reads.

If you want to see Sam again, you must come to the mattress factory with Danielle tomorrow at 6. If you bring your whole family along, you may never see her again. See you tomorrow night,         -The Fright Knight.

As everyone ran into the room right behind me Jazz asked.

"Where did he take her? And why?" she said, confused.

"I think I know where she is. But he said for only me and Danielle to go tomorrow at 6." Danny said softly.

"Why did he say only you two, what happens if the rest of us come?" Maddie asked.

"If you all come along, we may never see her again." Danny showed everyone the note.

"Then will just have to wait until tomorrow to go and save Sam" Danny sat down sadly.

Jazz puts her hand on his shoulder and says,

"We will get her back, I know it."

Danny's face lit up like he had an idea. "Wait a minute, I know 1 person...well ghost but that's not the point. He can help us see where and if Sam is ok." Looking at Dani, she knew exactly who Danny was talking about.

"Who?" Jack said, confused.

"I'll explain who it is on the way. Everyone to the specter speeder now." Danny said.

"I knew that it would come in handy so I shrunk it but don't worry I can make it normal sized." Jazz said, showing the tiny specter speeder in the palm of her hand.

"Aww it's so little, so where's the gadget that makes it bigger?" Danielle asked.

"Right here, so first of all how are we gonna get into the ghost zone?" Jazz looks at Danny.

"You're talking to the ghost zone savior, I have the map of infinite realms and portals." Danny said, going ghost and holding out the map.

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