CHP 52

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After some time bon was shifted to normal room while suarabh was too out of danger , he was shifted in normal room .

Ani entered the room and saw bon still unconscious or you can say still sleeping . He went towards her and sat beside her on chair , he caresses bon's head .

"A..Anirudh" bon said in a weak voice

"Y...yes b...bondita I am here look your anirudh is here with you" Ani said holding her hand tightly

Bon slowly opens her eyes and saw Ani holding her right hand

"A...Ani "bon said in faint voice

Ani nods with teary eyes and kissed her hand , bon slowly lifts her left hand and place it on his cheeks slowly caressing it , Ani keeps his one hand on her hand which was placed in his cheeks while the other was holding her right hand .

"Why are you crying "bon asked in weak voice

"You scared me like hell "Ani said

"It's you who scared me like hell do you know how much scared I was when I heard the bullet firing "bon said

"I am sorry I should have listened to you then we would have not lost our b..."Ani stopped as he realised that what blunder he was going to say

"We would have not lost who" bon asked

"W..we would have not lost o..our... family members "Ani said stammering

"but losing our family members has nothing to do with you "bon said

while ani forces a smiles , bon tried to get up but she wasn't able to , so Ani helped her to sit properly with pillow in her back

"Ahh.... "Bon wince in pain holding her lower abdomen

"B..bondita what happened are you alright , is it paining , should I call the doctor" Ani asked tensly

He was about to call the doctor but bon stopped him

"I am alright anirudh it's just that my lower abdomen is paining very much but why is it paining so much "bon asked

While Ani looks here and there trying to think an excuse

"B...bondita you got hurt in your lower abdomen and it's deep so it's hurting you but don't worry it will get healed soon "Ani said nervously

"But what exactly happened Ani who saved us and what about suarabh is he alright and Mr Banerjee were is he " bon asked

"Calm down clam down bondita so many questions in one breath , let me answer one by one , it was our family who saved us and I told them all the truth , batuk wanted to meet us but kaka didn't want it so he followed him , thakuma also came to meet you because of which they came there in right time and saved us . As for suarabh he got hurt on his shoulder so he is out of danger now and about Mr Banerjee he is kept in torture room "Ani said

"Torture room why" bon asked

"He tried to kill you bondita , he killed our family members ( in mind : and our baby ) how can I leave him so easily he had done so much bad thing he can't die so easily and bondita don't think about that man , you should rest now ok" Ani said caressing her head

"Ani please don't go anywhere please stay here with me" bon said

Ani smiles and kissed her forehead

"I won't go anywhere "Ani said

"Shotti "bon said before pinching her throat

"Shotti "Ani said copping bon

Soon ksj , som , thakuma, sid and abhi came inside the room

"Bondita bacha how are you" thakuma asked before sitting beside her on other side of the bed

"I am alright thakuma "bon said

"Bahu... "Ksj said faking stern face

"Y...yes ksj ahh... "bon screamed in pain as she tried to move her body

"Arey arey what are you doing bahu don't move , you should rest now why are moving" ksj scolded

"Sorry ksj "bon said looking down

"It's ok bahu you don't need to be sorry I was just concerned for you" ksj said smiling

"Well boudi do you remember me" batuk asked

"Batuk how can I forget you ,after all you are my crime partner" bon said

"Oh yes don't worry boudi we will again do mastii after you recovered "batuk said

"Sure" bon said in excitement

"Ok are you both done now , can I speak now "ksj asked

"Yes kaka , I didn't closed your mouth you can speak "batuk giggling said while ksj glared him

"So what I was saying that bahu from now on you will stay with us in your sasural" ksj said

Bon's eyes lit up

"Yes bondita and I am sorry I hurted my little sister na "som said caressing her head

Bon shakes her head in no , to change the emotion moment batuk said

"well kaka you called boudi back but not dada why "batuk asked

"yes kaka you didn't ask me" ani said sadly

"I didn't ask you because I don't care you come back to home or not I just want to take my grahlaxmi with me , if you want to come back then come otherwise stay in your banglow I am taking my babu with me "ksj said

"no way why will I stay away from her ,she is my wife kaka " ani said

"control dada control you are in the hospital "batuk said teasingly while ani bit his tongue and bon blushes.




So guys here is the chapter


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓞𝓑𝓢𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝 𝓞𝓡 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 ( Completed ✅ )Where stories live. Discover now