Q&A (Dont skip bitch)

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So this is just a Q&A from some dms I got from some of the readers and some of them are from my friends who also read this and some are just from me.

1. Q: "Is Kirishima really dead?" (Yes someone really asked this)
A:  Um yes Kirishima is dead...that's like the main point of this story. I believe I got asked this question because of that last chapter when it said Eijirou was there. Yeah that was just supposed to be like a cute "he's watching over him" thing but yes Eijirou is really dead. There's no type of "OMG PLOT TWIST HE NEVER DIED"

2. Q: "Is Katsuki going to fall in love again, and if yes who are his love interest?"
A: 😏....who knows......I do😏 Alright, Alright I'll give you an actual answer. I actually don't know, I have 2 different ways that I want to end this book but if Katsuki does fall in love again I have 2 potential love interest and that's all I'll say. Can you guess one of them?

3. Q: "How old is everyone"
A: Umm, it's mentioned a lot of times but I can still get the confusion but to keep the answer short. All of Class-1A is 30 or 31 and for the grandparents. Mitsuki is 70(based on actual math from the actual anime) and Masuru is 74. Kahana is 51 only because she had Eijirou when she was young so that's why she's not too old. Shohei is 8 and Himari is 5. Those are all the important people you need to know.

4. Q: "Will Aizawa ever show up in the book?"
A: No. I just have a brief background on where all the characters are because I thought it'd be cool to know where everyone's at but, if you read that chapter Aizawa is up in Italy living the simple life.😎

5. Q: "Are Aizawa and Midnight together?"
A: Honestly to this one there's no right or wrong answer speaking as it's not something Important to the story so it won't make a difference what you think. but my friend asked this question because in the book it said Midnight went with Aizawa to Italy. Personally I feel it was more of a, Aizawa went to Italy and then Midnight just tagged along cause why not, but if you want to interpret it as a relationship in your head, go for it. I think it's cute:)

A: 2 people asked this question and uhhh honestly I didn't think so many people would be more interested in what the teachers are up to. But for the answer, I-I don't have one. He's not important to the story so uhh use your imagination.

7. "Is Katsuki pregnant?"
A:.....what. This ain't omegaverse😟 GENUINELY WTF😭👋🏾

8. "You said this book will be short, so how many chapters are left?"
A: I can't answer this because I don't pre-make chapters. Honestly I just know how I want to end the book and from there I just always wing the chapters😅 if I had to guess I'd say there will probably be 8 more chapters, DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS! I say that because while this is a good story it's not like some adventurous story that has some deep ass meaning and it needs 40 chapters😂 and I never wanna be the author to drag on a book.

9. "Are you British?"
A: No💀

10. "Do you have any other books in the making?"(lol I made this one)
A: yeah I stay making books and having book ideas 24/7. I'll randomly get a book idea in class. This book however sparked from when I was reading Katsuki's really depressing life in Pestkazkonia "27 and counting" and I was like "it'd be really shitty if Kirishima died lol, he'd feel like shit....wait..." and thus "Learning to live without you" was created😂 Honestly anything can inspire me to write a book, a couple walking downtown somehow inspired me to create "It should've been us" (Update: now known as Golden Boy) a book which is to come later shhhhh.

11. How long have you been making books?
A: I've been on Wattpad for a year, but I've been writing stories since I was in the 2nd grade.

12. Does Kahana dislike Katsuki
A: No she doesn't, Kahana was just overprotective of Eijirou in the beginning but no Kahana does not hate Katsuki. They just more so had a bit of a awkward relationship before Eijirou's death.

"Primadonna girl, yeah all I ever wanted was the world. I can't help that I need it all, the primadonna life the rise and fall."


Uhhh that's all the questions I received but, thank you to those who dm questions. I really do like answering questions. If you didn't get a chance to ask a question this time don't worry, I'll be doing another Q&A when the book is done :) ~ your favorite angst write Cloudy☁️ (if I'm not your favorite angst writer please don't correct me that's embarrassing😭😭)

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