It Was Too Late

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The morning after the whole ordeal was awkward as fuck.

Katsuki still hated everyone who participated in the situation and had a grudge against them, which lead to him getting a hotel room instead of staying the night.

Kahana still felt guilty as fuck.

Mitsuki felt like a shit parent along side her husband Masuru.

Hiro felt uncomfortable like a child stuck in between his parents fighting.

But the main person having the biggest pound of 'asshole' weighing on her chest was Mitsuki. 

She couldn't stop replaying what her son said to her, the emotions that were present in his voice when he said it, how it had felt like he'd been holding onto that for far too long.

"Honey, let's just talk to him." Masuru said while sitting down on the comforter of their small home.

"Would the brat even listen? It's not exactly like we deserve his time." Mitsuki stated while pouring herself a cup of coffee from a fairly cheap pot.

"Maybe not. But I-it's time Mitsuki, especially after last night it gave me the confirmation that after all these years our relationship hadn't been fixed." The brown haired man said while fiddling with his chin, something he did quite often when feeling anxious.

"I already said we're not going." Mitsuki firmly stated while setting down the mug.

"If you wanna continue to be a terrible mother, you do that Mitsuki. But don't you dare even think about speaking to me again until you grow a pair and apologize to Katsuki. As much as it's weighing on our hearts, I bet it's been weighing on Katsuki's more. He's our only child, our only son. If we don't mend things with him they'll be nothing else for us in this world. He's all we have." Masuru announced as he quitted the living area to go get dressed, feeling as if he'd been quiet for too long.

Mitsuki was left speechless and baffled in the kitchen, she'd never seen her husband so aggressive and upset.

Though she knew where he was coming from, sure Masuru wasn't exactly the perpetrator of their only child's abuse, but he also was an accomplice.

—Like how if someone robs a bank, the lookout didn't rob the bank, but he also didn't quite alert anyone of the crimes that were to be committed. So they'd both go to jail.... In this false situation Mitsuki was the robber and Masuru the lookout.

"Fucking analogies...." The blond woman whispered to herself as she followed to join her husband in attempting to get their son back.


"Are you sure this is the right hotel?" The Ruby eyed woman asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure Mitsuki, I vaguely remember him telling us that this was the hotel he was going too. Now all we have to do is find out what number." Masuru confirmed with his wife as he made a entrance into the building.

When they walked in the immediately saw all the fancy decorations, this was definitely somewhere Katsuki would stay at.

As soon as they entered the building an optimistic red headed woman cheerfully greeted the pair of elders.

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