Chapter 1: The End is Also A Beginning

Start from the beginning

I Must Have Texted The Wrong Number- Tommy's An Old Friend. We Haven't Seen Him For A Few Years :<Bee Boy>

<Grian>: That Doesn't Really Explain Why You're On My Contacts List

How Strange :<Bee Boy>

<Grian>: Also Why Is Your Name Bee Boy On My List?

That Wouldn't Be Possible. Only Tommy Ever Really Calls Me That :<Bee Boy>

<Grian>: How Strange


That's strange. I thought.

I hopped into a single player world and built a small house in creative mode before falling onto a bed and practically passing out.

+--------- Introducing The Time Skip ---------+

I woke up to light shining down my face. Looking over to a small stand I saw it was about 7 am.

Crap, I thought, We have a boatem meeting today!

I scurried out of my bed and looked around my closet for another red sweater. For some reason my current one is dirty. When I found on I logged out

Grian Has Left The Game

I looked in my server list looking for Hermitcraft when I stumbled on something strange. Dream SMP? I was confused but I decided to investigate it later and logged onto Hermitcraft

Grian Has Joined The Game

Logging on I could just feel the excitement in the air. I opened my eyes a little dizzy bit fine. No sun shined into my face but the sight of The Midnight Alley greeted me with it's mystical wonder. Small leaves floated around and some landed on my head. However, indefinitely, there were shoulder boxes and chests everywhere not even close to being somewhat organized.

Well! Time to go to the boatem meeting, I excitedly thought.

Waking outside The Midnight Alley sun shown into my face and a small breeze blew into my face blowing at my hair.

"Hey Grian!" Came a voice.

"Oh Hey Scar!" I replied, "ready for the meeting?"

"I think so-" Scar said, "Though you seem to be missing your conductor hat"

"Oh uhm-" I said. I didn't think he would notice. I infact lost the hat in my large chest monster. "I just don't have it on right now- I may have left it on my bed side because I was quite rushed this morning."

"Alright- don't forget it next time!" He exclaimed.

I wondered when next time was. Pushing that aside as well I began walking towards the boatem hole. All of our meetings were held there and each time was very different. Gliding down the hole I could see that the area was pretty hollowed out. The fake bedrock was still there tricking many people to land inside the hole. Of course since the bedrock was fake they would fall straight into the void. I floated into the meeting room seeing our crew. Everyone was there except for Mumbo; typical.

"Hello Everyone!" I exclaimed whilst entering the room.

"Hey Grian!" Pearl replied, "It seems like Mumbo is late... Again"

"Seems so" I said rubbing the back of my neck, "I did stay up late with him working on his base"

"That could be the reason and because he's a spoon." Scar playfully said with a grin, "Anyways what's this meeting about-"

Scar was cut off by a gush of wind that blew into the room as someone landed with a thud. It seemed like a mustached man was here.

"Sorry I'm Late!" Mumbo exclaimed rather loudly, "I overslept!"

"That sounds like you." I said with a grin, "Anyways who even called this meeting?"

"I'm afraid I may have tricked you guys" came a voice from the corner, "and I greatly apologize for it." A man with a axolotl like mask came out of the slightly desaturated shadows. "And I do have something to say"

"Xisuma?!" I cried out, "What are you doing here?"

"I had to gather you guys up to tell you some rather not good news." He said covering up the nervousness in his voice, "I'm afraid this world won't last much longer. The moon is getting closer by the night."

"I already started counting how many blocks it's been growing for a while." I added, "it's getting close"

"I have to agree with Grian on this." Xisuma said, "This is why we're evacuating the server. You'll have to stay on your own for a while until we can get a new world"

So yeah. This happened.
1101 words

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