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Do I have to change my clothes or hair for you to show anything towards me? If so then let me cut my hair with theses pair of scissors. Let me cut my dignity so it's better for you to show any sign of attraction. Let me be more polite like how you compare me to others around me. I'll say "Thank you sir" just like how you say that you do. Let me open a door for you or give you the best meals you'll ever have. I did everything you wanted of me yet why can't you seem to even love me. I changed so much of me that I can't even recognize who I am anymore. I'm just a vessel of things you love yet you can't love me. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror and the person who I was is now gone. Was it all for nothing? Did everything I try because you told me too not it? You want me to change so much more for you yet you would never for me. You took everything from me and just left me jigsaw pieces of what you want. I'm not some puzzle for you to connect me to the model you want. I should be so much better than that yet you made me into some puzzle of the person you want. Yet you still don't love me at all and you just point out all the flaws that you think i have. Why don't you just love me? Don't you love me? After all the changed you made of me. You picked and choosed what you wanted me to be yet you discard me so quickly like all the pieces you didn't want.

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