Wedding scene 2.0:

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(Kai's POV)

Kai looks in the mirror at his black velvet suit and with a white rose in the jackets pocket. He sighed as he sits down on a couch. Alexa walks in the room and looks at Kai. "You look handsome," she tells him. Kai looks at her and sighs. "Aren't moms always supposed to say that to their sons. Telling them that they are handsome and that you're so happy that they are getting married," Kai say with venom. Alexa walks over to him and says, "I do mean it. You've grown into a handsome young man. And I am happy that you are getting married to a wonderful girl." Kai rolls his eyes and gets up as he says, "Yeah she's wonderful. She's helped me more than my own mother. " Alexa looks at him and asks, "Why are you like this? Why can't you accept me like your siblings? They are much more supportive than you. Why can't you accept me already?"

Kai looks at her and hisses, "Because you left for 14 years. You left me and my siblings and made us believe you were dead. We needed a mom to be there for us. Ae-Young needed a mom to tell her about what she needed to know about her own body. But you left and she didn't have that person. Areum had to help her when she needed someone to explain. YOU LEFT! We only had Hongjoong as a last parent figure and when you did come back he kicked me and Areum out. Because I wanted a relationship with you and he also abandoned us. Why can't you just make up for those lost years instead of making a new family with someone else!?"

Alexa stays silent as she stares at the floor. Chan rushes into the room and asks, "Why are you yelling? Can't you just not do this on your wedding day. Especially yelling at your mom." Kai scoffs and mumbles, "What mom. She's barely even been a mom to me." Alexa stays silent and avoids eye contact. Chan walks up to Kai and yells at him, "She is still your mom. You need to change your attitude. You're other siblings have forgiven her and you can't even do that. You left for a year and both your son and girlfriend still forgive you. Why can't you just forgive her!" Kai goes quiet and looks at him. "She left...she left when I was just three years old. She left me and my little siblings all alone with Hongjoong, san and Yeonjun. Because she left...Areum's mom died and she was also left without a mother. We all suffered without having our mothers there with us when we needed them. How can I just forgive her after all of that? Ae-young and Hyun-Jin were just a year old, I was three and Areum was two. We lost our mothers at a young age and had to deal with the thought that they aren't coming back. I know she's trying to make it up but she can't change the fact that she left for years. We can never get those years back with our mother. And she doesn't even try to make it up to me. Or make it up to Areum for being the reason her mom died. "

Chan sighs and steps back. "I'm sorry for yelling and you do have a good reason why you don't forgive her. But she's really trying kai and you need to meet her halfway. You need to give her a chance and actually talk to her okay?" Kai nods and mumbles, "Okay.." Chan pats his back and looks at Alexa. "Talk to him. This day can't cause any of theses problems for the rest of the day. You don't have to fix your relationship now but at least end it on a good term. Areum and everyone else is happy today and I don't want both of you to turn this bad sour," Chan says in a stern tone. Kai and Alexa both nod and Chan leaves the room. "I know...that I haven't been the best mother to you or your siblings. And I'm really trying to be a good mother. But please meet me halfway and talk to me. I can't change the fact that I left but please let me try to make it up to you," Alexa pleads. Kai looks at her and says, "Fine...I'm sorry that I don't meet you halfway but I can't just forgive you that easily. If you want me to forgive you then you need to tell me why you even left...but not today. It's my wedding day so I want to enjoy this day as much as possible." Alexa nods and Minho walks into the room. "Kai it's time to be at the aisle. So hurry up already," Minho says before leaving the room. Kai fixes his jacket and walks to the door. Alexa follows behind him and they both walk out of the room. Both Minho and Kai walk to the aisle and stop at the altar. All their family and friends were waiting in their seats and he finally felt the nervousness. Minho noticed and chuckles. "Why are you getting nervous now? If you're nervous like you want to back out then say it now," Minho whispers. Kai shakes his head and whispers, "I want to marry her. I've been waiting so long and our plans had to keep being pushed back. I'm ready to marry her." Minho smiles and pats his back.

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