Opening the door, Lorenzo was met with one of his men, carrying a pizza box. Lillian immediately hid into Lorenzo's neck, not wanting to face the new person before them.

The man at the door was known as Oliver. He was the head of security. He was in his mid forties, and had worked for Lorenzo's father before his passing, he was only just a regular man to his father, but when he died, Lorenzo immediately made him head of security, trusting him entirely to keep him, and now Lillian safe..

"Sorry to disturb sir, but this was delivered at the gate..." the man said, stopping once he looked up and noticed the little girl clinging to the man whom he called boss, the same man that Oliver himself seemed heartless.

He had heard that Lorenzo had been seen by some of his men with a little girl, however he didn't believe it. He had known Lorenzo for many years, ever since Lorenzo was a child, and never once would he have imagined the sight before him.

Especially when he noticed the bruises that covered Lillian

"Yes, Oliver?" Lorenzo asked in his deep monotone voice, which caused Lillian to whimper slightly. Lorenzo moved her so he could rub her back with his opposite hand before staring back at Oliver.

He did not like the fact that the man was staring Lillian down, looking at her in shock, it made his protective fatherly side come out, which was scarier then when he was angry.

"Sorry sir, it's just that..." He started but was cut off by Lorenzo, who had put his hand up to stop him from talking .

"Yes, I know, This is Lillian, I'll talk to you about it tomorrow, meet me in my office in the morning, we'll discuss things, but for now I need to get her fed, so.." Lorenzo motioned towards the pizza that was held in Oliver's hand, trying to suggest handing him the box, which Oliver did.

"Thank you Oliver." Lorenzo said once the box was in his hands, getting a nod/bow in return from Oliver, who then turned around and walked down the steps and back at his post for the night.

With the pizza in one hand and Lillian in the other, Lorenzo kicked the door shut, and started walking towards the dining room which was attached to the kitchen.

The dining room was just as big as the living room, with a large table that seated twelve people, along with a cabinet that lined the wall that held plates, silverware and napkins as well as dining glasses, all for when there's guest or dinner meetings with allies or future clients.

However, Lorenzo had a feeling that he wouldn't allow certain people in his home anymore, and would rather take them to high dollar restaurants with Lillian in the home now.

There is also a door that connects to the kitchen so when there's meetings it's easier access.

Sitting down, Lorenzo put Lillian on his right leg, facing her towards the table, plates had already been set out and set along with the other table accessories.

"Okay, are you ready to eat sweetheart?" Lorenzo questioned, grabbing the plate from the place beside of him and setting it beside of his, taking out two slices and laying one on each plate.  He made sure to grab a smaller one for Lillian.

He would have ordered something else, but he figured pizza was a safe bet, having not known what Lillian was used to eating, and since he didn't know, he made sure to order cheese just in case she didn't like toppings.

Lillian stared at the pizza as if it was a foreign object, not having ever seen anything like it before. Lorenzo however, had already eaten half of his slice before noticing that Lillian had not moved to eat.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

Lillian pointed to the pizza on the plate then to herself, hoping that Lorenzo would understand that she was asking if she was allowed to eat.

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