taijutsu- hand to hand combat and strength

medical- demage reduction, healt points and regeneration

agility- speed, agility, flexibility and stamina

senjutsu- nature chakra and chakra regeneration

kenjutsu- can use better wepons and have bigger demage with wepons

ninjutsu- better damage with jutsu, better time of perforing jutsu and can use better ranked jutsu's

inteligence- faster and better thinking, also better knowladge of everything and better understanding

fuinjutsu- better seals and better use of them

genjutsu- stonger genjutsu and better at detecting genjutsu


His brain was overflowing with informations. After ten minutes he asked on somthing that still didn't make sense to him "why I don't have clan system??" "It is because you haven't selected your clan" said system. This made the boy think "when can i select my clan then" asked the boy in confusion. Then the screen changed and system said "right now". On the screen was.


Uzumaki- 25 chakra points, 10 medical points and 20 fuinjutsu points

warning:might be used as vessel for tailed beast

Uchiha- chance of unlocking sharinga, 10 agility pionts and 10 genjutsu points

warning:might be hunted for sharingan

Huyga- chance of ulocking byakugan and 20 taijutsu points

warning:might get seal to be forbiden of use byakugan

Hatake- all five nature release and 50 kenjutsu points

warning:might be used as wepon for all five nature release

Sarutobi- 20 intelligence points and some jutsu's to start

warning:might be used for knowladge

Senju- chamce of unlocking wood release and 20 points to medical

warning:might be hunted for senju cells


To say that he was panicked was underestimate. He didn't know which clan to pick, all of them had big drawback. After he calmed down a little he thought about it and asked " Can I pick more then one clan??" asked the green haired boy. "Yes you may, but only two" system answered him. After some time he decided "I want to be half Hatake and half Uzumaki" the boy said with determination. "are you sure" asked system. "100% sure!" said the boy with even more determination. Then screen showed up.


Name: Izuku Hatake-Uzumaki

nature release:Fire, wind, lightning, earth, water

kekkei genkai:adamantine sealing chain


learned jutsu's:


When he saw this he was happy, but hen he felt pain all over his body and he fell unconscious. After hour or two he woke up feeling slightly different. What was that?" asked the sleepy head. "Because you selected new clan your body has changed" said system with screen showing izuku his new look. "Whaat!!, why do I look like that!!" the boy shouted loudly. This is what he saw.

Author note:I didn't draw this

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Author note:I didn't draw this

"I look so cool" exclaimed the now white haired boy. "Thank you system, thank you so much!!" the boy said with happines radiating from him. "No problem user, besides it would be shame to live another live in the same body" said system proudly. " so where are ve going now system??" said confused Izuku. When he finished that sentence some people appeared surrounding him. "What are you doing here?" one of them asked. "I don't really know, besides I don't even know where am I" said the boy shyly scratching his head. "What's your name?" asked another. "My name is Izuku" said the boy calmly. "Just Izuku?" he wondered. "Yes just Izuku, I never met my father and my mother died before I could even remember" he lied smoothly.

Then they lowered their guard and one of them said "I'm Ebisu, if you want we can take you with us to the leaf villiage but under one condition" said the now know Ebisu. "And what would that be?" asked Izuku curiously. "You will join the villiage" said Ebisu. "Sure, why not". And like that they begun their way to the villiage hiden in the leaf.

Izuku then asked "Why are you dressed up like that?" he asked unexpecteding the response he got "Because we are shinobis from hidden leaf, by the way the name is Anko" answered now named Anko. "that's so cool, can I be shinobi too??" asked izuku with stars in his eyes. "I don't know, how old are you??" asked anko. "I'm twelve years old" "Then maybe you can graduate from the academiy but you will be there for the last year, say can you do it" asked anko disbelievingly. But our boy noticed this and was slightly angry but he let it slide this time. "I can do it and I will do it, mark my words" said Izuku with determination. But then everyone startet to chuckle " And how are you gonna do that, it's hard for those who study from their childhood, and you will graduate with only one year of education, boy that's imposible" said ebisu snickering. "It isn't imposible it just mean I have to try harder then anyone else!!" he shouted with rage in his eyes. "Ok and I will support you" said the third one. He then introduced him self "The name is Iruka Umino by the way, and maybe you will join my class then" said Iruka happily. Then they made their way to hiden leaf villiage.

To be continued

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