10 (Violet and Brody route)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," Brody sighs out, looking away with a somewhat sad look on her face. "I guess we should get to work on those fish. C'mon we've got spears inside."

"You go ahead. I'll stay out here," Violet says.


You all walk inside. AJ wanders off with only a look you could describe as awe and intrigue to the new setting. It was interesting, to say the least, you knew it looked run-down from the outside, but this wasn't what you were expecting the inside to look like at all. Hell, you don't even know what you were expecting it to look like if you're being honest.

"Where are those damn spears?" Brody murmurs to herself and crouches down. She looks around for a moment but doesn't see them.

You glance around and immediately notice them next to you and Clementine, though before you can speak up Brody starts talking again.

"About Vi..." She rises up, turning to the two of you. "I'm sorry she's being a little mean. It's my fault."

"What do you mean?" Clementine asks.

If you were being honest, you're interested too. Out of all the groups you've been in and seen the drama in, some of them never seem to get old, and there's always some in every group you find yourself in.

"I was there when those walkers killed Sophie and Minnie. They were really close with Vi and... I think she blames me for it. I mean.. how do you even apologize for something that fucked up?" She sighs. "I don't know. Guess I deserve it."

"It wasn't your fault, these things happen," Clementine says, taking a few steps forward while she does so.

"Still I was the one who had to break the news to her. And ever since I did, she's become distant." She scoffs lightly. "We all used to be friends. Guess I just kinda miss that."

"But when Y/n- you and Y/n showed up and..." she pauses for a moment. "I don't know, just haven't seen her warm up to anyone in a long time."

Clementine glances at you and you stare at the ground in thought. 

Yeah, Violet has been cold for the most part, that's her thing. But you never minded it. It keeps things interesting for you... and she has her sweet moments if you count last night as proof. To you, Violet's a big ol' softie waiting to be cracked open.

A gust of wind brushes past you and snaps you out of your thoughts. You glance at the broken window, glancing over the spears next to it. Yeah okay, this place is definitely more run-down than you initially thought.

Brody hums and walks over to the spears when she notices you and Clementine's line of vision.

"Do you... I mean- I hate to ask this of you. But do you think you guys think you could talk to her?"

You and Clementine glance at each other in thought. "See how she feels? About me? It's just been eating me up inside," Brody nervously rushes out when she notices you glance at each other.

"Sure thing, we can help," Clementine says with a grin, much to Brody's relief. She looks at you for confirmation and you just salute her playfully, making her laugh slightly.

"That- wow that's great! Thank you guys" Brody stumbles over her words in happiness. She picks up the spears and a bucket on the ground. "I'm gonna go check our fish traps downstream."

"Hey! What the fuck's taking you guys so long?" You hear Violet say from outside.

"See?" Brody says, glancing at you and Clementine. "I'll take this to Vi, there should be some extra's lying around." And with that, she walks out the door.

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