Back To Hell

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1st June 1998,

Nothing was worst then going back to the place which he was forced to call as his home for Harry James Potter.

Ignoring what took place outside the doors of his compartment he looked at the window which indicated that they were soon going to reach the train station.He sighed and looked at the girl sitting in front of him who have him a worried look.

He tried to put on a smile for her but the girl knew better.

"Come on harry you have been sulking for  the whole train ride"Hermione his best friend told her.

"You know mione how I feel about going home....why can't I just stay at Hogwarts for the whole year??"he whined again.

"That's why I offered you to stay at my place....the offer still stands"she said.

"You know I can't burden you and your family have already being doing a lot for me and I can't just ask for more"harry said.

"Come on you are my best buddy....and please don't say as if you own me a debt...I did what I did because you are my friend and you know my mother is crazy about you...she cares for you as her own"she said the last part softly.

"Yeah I know and I am grateful for what Mrs.Snape does for me"he said with a smile.

"You don't need to cheer up we will be meeting eachother during the summers and as always mum has invited you for dinner and you have to attend it no matter what and as always we will be shopping for our next year's school stuff together"she said firmly leaving no chance for discussion.

"Yeah who am I to disobey you"he said bowing his head down.

Hermione just giggled at it.

Soon enough the train reached the station and all the students got down dragging their luggage towards their families who came to welcome their kids back.

Just like the last year no one except his house elf came to receive harry.He smiled at the direction of his house elf dobby who has been taking care of him since he was 3.

Hermione grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards a woman with golden curly hairs,fair smooth skin,hazel brown eyes,and pretty smile waiting for them.

As soon as she saw them both she engulfed them in a bear hug choking them.

"Mum... can't breathe.."Hermione said out of breath.

The woman released them from her grip laughing.

"Oh how I missed you was so lonely....not having you or your father"the lady said looking at Hermione.

This is what harry wanted being engulfed by his own mother,his mother coming to get him back home,her making him feel cared and wanted but alas he was not granted it.

"Good to see you Mrs.Snape"Harry greeted the woman he has now known for 3 years.

"Come on harry I am tired of you being so polite, please call me Helen no need for these formalities"she said.

"I will try Mrs...Helen"he said correcting himself.

"That's better"she said.

"Welcome back master Harry"said dobby the house elf.

"Thanx dobby and please stop calling me master"harry said.

"Dobby is here to receive master Harry and take him home"the elf said.

"You didn't had to to that dobby..but I am grateful thanx"harry said.

"Master must not thank dobby"dobby said.

"Dobby is happy to meet Miss Hermione and Mrs Snape"dobby said greeting the mother daughter duo.

They greeted him back.

"I will take your leave now Mrs.Snape"Harry said.

"But you must promise to meet us during summer and don't forget the dinner you have to attend with us"Helen Snape neé Granger told harry.

"Offcourse I will surely do visit and I will attend the dinner as mione"saying so he hugged both of them and then with a pop he and dobby were gone.

Hermione and her mother went through car to reach their home as they live in muggle london.

Harry reached in the living room of his home I,e the Potter Manor in Godrics Hollow.

He looked around to find any of his family member and when he found none he sighed and quickly got into his room which is where he is going to get his solace for the next 3 months.

He entered the room and found it as he left for the previous school year and knew it was maintained by dobby and not his mother.

It's been years he hasn't had a meal with his family.He would always have his meal in his room all alone prepared by dobby or sometimes he would himself cook.

He quickly had a shower and by the time he was dressed his meal was in front of him.

He quickly had his meal brought by dobby and then took a nap tired because of the train ride.

Waking up at around 8pm he thought to go out of his room to see if he could see his family.

He went downstairs and was met with laughter of his family and his godfather sirius Black.

Sitting on the sofa was his mother was cuddling his younger 3year old brother Hadrian,beside her was his father talking to his godfather and on the chair sat his second younger brother Hayden or the boy who lived as people like to call him.

"It was a good game pup"said his godfather to his younger brother hayden (bwl).

"Harry"shrieked his youngest brother Hadrian and he ran from his mother's arms to harry and wrapped his arms around his legs because that's where he could reach.

Now all the attention turned to him.He tried to put on a smile on his face a completely fake one.

"When did you get here harry?"asked his so called mother.

"Today"he replied in a monosyllable.

"I should get back to my room I am a bit tired by my train ride....ummm good night"he said and without waiting for any reply he left to his room.

He got to his room and put on a silence spell on and set his wards on the door.He opened his PC and started listening to some muggle music which Hermione introduced to him and now he can't get enough of it.

Everything in his room was either purchased by his hard earned money or was a gift by the Snape family.

During summer he would help Hermione's dad I,e Severus Snape in making potions and would earn galleons through it.He would also work for the store owners in diagon alley to get more galleons.Through that money he would get all his school supply and clothes and other necessary things.

His room was simple and basic but not the one a wizard would have because it was packed with muggle things.Like his PC a Christmas gift by Mrs.Snape,his speakers,a study table a single bed,a large book shelf around the size of a wall filled with books from the Potter library along with some books he purchased and some muggle novels Hermione gave him.

Ok guys so this is my first attempt to write a Fanfiction on harry potter.I have read a lot of fanfics in which harry potter is not the BWL so I thought to write one on this theme.

Hope you guys like it and please let me know how it is.

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