The bigger picture.

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"You don't me." She shot back.

He smirked. "Okay let's just see." He said simply.

"Wanna bet?" Paris asked him.

"Okay, what's the prize?" He questioned.

She thought for a moment. "If I win, you owe me a foot massage." She smiled.

"Hell nah." He said shaking his head." I hate feet." He told he scrunching his nose up in disgust.

"Don't be a little bitch" Paris teased.

Roc looked at her for a moment before giving in. "Okay and if I win, you have to let me give you a full body massage." Roc smirked.

Before Paris could open her mouth to respond. Ray shoved him. "Fall back." Ray demanded.

Roc smirked knowingly. "She ain't Ya girl fam." Roc reminded him.

"Yet." Ray corrected.

"How about the two of you share her, I'm sure she's into that kind of stuff." Princeton chimed in.

Paris head shot in his direction. "Fuck you." She spat.

"No thanks." He smirked.

"Paris carter." A man called out getting our attention.

"That's me." She said standing up.

"Come on." He said.

"I'm coming too." Roc announced before Paris and him followed the mango the back.

"Can I see your Id?" The man asked being sure she was over 18.

After examining it he passed it back. "What do you want?" He asked her.

"Well will I be able to get two piercings and a tattoo all today?" She questioned.

"You can get whatever you want, as long as you can take the pain. " the main told her.

Roc smirked.

"I can." Paris assured him.


"Damn, you are one tough girl." John, the tattoo man complimented me as he wiped over my tattoo.

I smiled looking down at it. It was a heart beat with the words "Life goes on" next to it.

That was my motto.

No matter what, life goes on.

"Clean your piercings everyday. Do not take them out until they fully heal." He told me.

"How long will it take?" I questioned.

"The nose ring will take 4-6 weeks and your cartilage bar will take about 6months." He told me.

I nodded.

"Alright champ." He said helping me down off the table. "Your girlfriend is the shit." He told roc.

I opened my mouth to protest but roc just laced his arms around me. "I know." He smirked as we left out the room.

"I want my foot massage." I told him shoving him off.

He chuckled as we joined the others.

"Damn you going to eat all of those?" Diggy asked me as we sat in Taco Bell.

"Clearly." I shrugged causing him to chuckle.

"Fat ass." Jacob mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up." I spat growing annoyed with his remarks.

The Only Exception.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz