8. Making It Obvious

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Today we're going on a trip to a museum to see real human skeletons! I am very excited, even more so because I know Logan is going to hate this.

Speaking of Logan, she's currently standing in line outside the front of the school.

I'm pretending to look at this clipboard while I try not to get caught checking her out. 

I think it worked because Logan is currently trying to sneak away.

"Logan." I asserted, causing her to freeze in place completely bewildered.

She huffed, returning to her original position in line.

I couldn't help it as a smug smile crept its way onto my face.

This is already so much fun.

I had hoped Logan would choose to sit by herself so I could torment her for the whole journey.

And lucky for her, she did, "This seat taken?" I questioned.

"Nope go ahead,"

I sat down after quickly double-checking everyone else was seated.

"So, are you excited about the trip?" 

"Not really. Are you?" She replied.

"I am very excited." She smiled.

"Why am I not surprised." She said before turning her attention to the window.

She was watching the trees whiz past, slightly moving her head as she followed each one that came into view.

I sat here to annoy her, not to be ignored the whole journey.

"If I'd have known I had to compete with trees to get your attention. I would have been an arborist" I smirked.

"A what?"

"An Arborist" I repeated.

She looked at me puzzled. Does she really not know what that is?

"A tree surgeon." I clarified.


I watched as the clogs turned slowly in her head, slowly realising what I meant.

I smirked when she finally clocked on.

"Oh?" She said, surprised.

I chuckled, she can be rather sweet sometimes.

"I don't know if that would help your case, to be honest."

"Why not?" I replied, confused as to what she was referring to.

"How am I supposed to hear you if you're cutting down a tree?" She said.

"I didn't think about that..." I admitted.

"You always have my full attention, you just don't realise it."

Oh... I was not aware of that...

That means she listens to what I say in class, and she knows when she has homework...

"Now you have no excuse not to do my homework," I smirked.

"Uh no, I deliberately ignore that." 

I raised my eyebrows, smirking at her. She just keeps digging herself a deeper hole.

"Listen it's not my fault, I'm rambling... I ramble when I'm nervous."

Oh, so she's nervous now?

Nervous around me or just nervous in general?

I leaned closer to her, bowing my head slightly so I could look at her. I could see the heat rising to her cheeks.

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