Take Two

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Last night Jack had returned me to my apartment. He insisted I sleep comfortably in my own home so I'd be "rested and rejuvenated" for the story he wanted me to cover.

"They're going to arrest me." I had explained to him last night as we sat in the car outside my apartment building.

"What's the harm in some handcuffs?", he snickered and quickly kicked his lips. "They can be fun."

With my freedom on the line I wasn't in the mood for his games. I'd be lying though if it didn't spark something inside me. I pushed that feeling away though and focused. Sure this story was hot. A tragedy yes but that's what the news was built on. The more devastating an act the more spotlight it gained. Reports were driven to disasters like moths to a flame. And tonight the mayor's death was a beacon for every news station in Gotham. I was still riding high from the attention my last report had gathered. If I followed up with another story just as a sensational now then I'd be cementing my own place amongst the star reporters of Gotham.

"If I do this and get arrested then what? I can't report for you from a jail cell." I was ready to risk it all for this and for him, but not like this. I'd be signing my own resignation letter if I went on camera with this. With my previous track record with The Joker, the public would label me as an accomplice. The police would too. And when it came down to it my plea of "just following orders" surely wouldn't hold up well in court.

"Now wouldn't that be uh, interesting." He stared off into space imagining it. "Coming live to you from jail cell number 26, I'm y/n.", Joker said in his best attempt at a news anchor voice. He cackled at his own impersonation.

On some level the thought was funny, but I was too overwhelmed with the thought of being incarcerated to humor him. Jack seemed to notice my apprehension because he sighed and angled himself more towards me in the back seat of the car.

"Listen, Y/N. Prison isn't that bad. Trust me." Joker assured with a shrug. So he's been to prison before? The pool of identities for Jack just became a little smaller.

"Jack." I pleaded desperately. Although we were far from trusting one another I still couldn't believe he was sitting here asking me to go to jail for him. What happened to all that partner in crime talk he had spoke about?

"Okay, okay. Just uh, think of this as another one of our trust exercises then." He smirked at me, seemingly knowing I'd take the bait. I stared back at him, searching for some clue to his plan for me. I found none. It felt like he was constantly asking me to jump blindly into the abyss. I was starting to get tired of the unknown though. But that burning desire to make my name in the world kept me going. It was my one light in this unknown darkness of his.

"Fine." I all but sighed. The lack of willingness in my answer didn't seem to phase the Joker. He hooted in celebration and clapped loudly. The sharp sounds echoed in the enclosed space.

"God you're so good to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?" Joker squealed in delight. He giggled to himself.

"But-" I began. Jack cut his fit of laughter short and raised a brow at me. Surely he hadn't forgotten of the give and take of this whole messed up game of trust we had going on?

"What you can do for me.", I explained. The realization of his side of the deal seemed to dawn on him. He nodded and graciously raised both his hands palm up towards me to continue, bowing his head dramatically in my direction.

"I want you to promise you won't leave me in there to rot." I had agreed to his insane plan but that didn't mean that I had complete fate in it or him.

"Ouch! You're killing me, baby. Where's the trust?" He feigned offense and held his hand over his chest. When I didn't react to it he placed his hand on my shoulder. There was that same familiar spark to his touch, but I ignored it.

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