ch 12 - wet dreams

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Draco's POV

My eyes slightly fluttered open. The golden sun peaking through our curtains. I slowly sat up gaining my senses back. I rubbed my eyes awake feeling very hazy still.

"What's up Malfoy" Theodore threw yesterday robes at me hitting me right in my face. They felt clean luckily.

"Fuck off" I growl ditching them back twice as hard. I flipped him off and flopped back down and pulled the covers over my head, I hated the mornings. I'd rather sleep in my warm bed.

"Get up you lazy sod" Blaise ripped my quilt off of me. I felt the cold air hit me sending shivers up my spine.

"Hey!" I began to protest. His eyes widened and his lips curled up into a shit eating grin. I looked at him confused.

"Have a good dream did ya Malfoy" he snickered. What on earth was he talking about.

"What no why?" I spat. I felt the anger start bubbling up on me.

"Holy shit!!" Theo laughed falling to the floor cackling like an idiot.

I look down at myself. I felt my breath hitch and my face heat up. Oh no not again. I couldn't stop looking at the now dried up wet patch on my pyjama pants. An off white stain had left itself on my crotch and on my sheets.

This had been happening quite often. Too often for my liking. Over the holidays before the school year I had multiple incidents like this before researching my small problem in a muggle biology book in our library. Much to my relief it was a normal occurrence for all young wizards my age to go through in their transition to manhood.

Still it didn't save me the embarrassment of being caught or whom these dreams were about.

"So who were they about huh" they shared a mischievous look between them. I knew who but I couldn't bring myself to admit it. She'd been haunting my dreams for a while now.

"None of your business" I crossed my arms. There's no way they could find out, they'd tell everyone.

"I mean I kinda heard you moaning her name in your sleep anyway" Theo said slyly. I felt my heart stop. He did not. That's impossible.

"What?!" I screamed!! This made them laugh even harder.

"Shut the fuck up!" We heard Lopez bang on the door.

"No one wants to hear your orgy you gay fags" Peverell continued. Her voice made my heart flutter even more.

"I should tell her!" Theo yelled. He jumped up off of the floor and ran for the door.

Just as quickly I jumped out of bed bolting for Theo. He squirmed out the door before I could grab him and throttle the living daylights out of him.

I chased him around the couch and into the girls dorms, they all let out ear piercing squeals.

"We're getting dressed"

"Get out you perverts"

"Don't look at us!!"

The muffle of screams and yelling was making my ears ache. Both Theodore and I covered our eyes and then the screaming just stopped.

"Malfoy? What is on your pants" Peverell spoke up.

"See that's what I was coming to tell you girls" Theo said chirpily. That dick.

"Tell us what?! Or did you just come here to perv on us" Greengrass spat very pissed off by the sounds of it.

"No it's important-" I had to stop Theo before he said too much.

"No that's enough it wasn't important, let's go Nott" I say blindly reaching for his arm.

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