Akari's face brightened up and was overjoyed with the news. "Really? That's great, Nana-chan! I told you, you could do it, didn't I? You're now in your dream club!"

The cute brunette nodded gleefully. "Yup!"

"Just tell me if the members are bullying you and I'll definitely back you up!" Akari then told her. She was pretty much serious about it. She despised bullying and will not hesitate to beat the crap of anyone's asses who will try to hurt any of her friends.

Nanami only giggled at her words. "There's no need for that. They're nice people. We'll have a rehearsal after school for an upcoming concert." She scratched her cheek sheepishly. "I feel kind of nervous though..."

Akari shook her head. "No, don't be. You'll be fine, Nana-chan. Just believe in yourself, alright? Oh, and I wish you guys good luck!"

"Thanks, Akari-chan. I'll do my best!"

She grinned. "That's the spirit! You also don't have to worry about us going home together later, I'll be fine."

Nanami's jovial expression was quickly replaced with guilt and apologized in frantic, "I-I'm so sorry, Akari-chan! I'll make it up to you next time, I promise!"

Akari just brushed her friend off with a wave of her hand and gave the girl a reassuring smile. "It's fine. I understand," she said. "I'm also planning to try the softball club. A senpai gave me their flyer yesterday, asking me if I like to join their club."

"Really? You did?"

"Yeah. So no worries! If I'm in, then both of us were going to be very busy." She rubbed her nape. "In any case, I should be the one to apologize since I woke up late this morning. You even have to wait for me that long and run ourselves here. We almost got closed by the gate." Blamed it on last night's weather. She recalled Izana brought her home right after the rainfall completely stopped since he can't drive in a bad climate with her on his back. It was almost 12 midnight when they arrived at her apartment and she was getting really sleepy that her memory became a little hazy. She woke up the next morning without any idea how in the world she ended up on her bed and in her pajamas, only to realize she was so damn late.

Nanami shook her head. "It's alright. I don't mind. Although, I didn't know you're into sports, Akari-chan. And to softball, nonetheless."

"It seemed pretty interesting," she just replied nonchalantly. "They're having tryouts tomorrow after school, so might as well give it a shot. I've got nothing to do after school anyway." To be honest, she only participated out of boredom and was rather more interested in learning how to swing a bat than the actual sport itself. She was quite a fast learner and adapting to the sport might not be that difficult for her. Furthermore, their homeroom teacher, Umeda-sensei, didn't stop bugging her about joining a club like it was mandatory or something in this school, much to her annoyance.

Nanami smiled again. "Oh, that's good. I'll support you, Akari-chan. Let's both do our best!"

"Yes, let's! Thanks, Nana-chan."

"So what's with this 'Mr. Biker Guy' everyone's been talking about?" Nanami suddenly queried. "I didn't know you have a sibling."

Akari sweatdropped. This topic again. "No. He's not. He's actually... my friend, only a few years older. Kinda more like a brother figure." Who's an ass. But if she ever wanted to have a sibling, she was sure as hell not to be someone like him. There will always be a war zone inside their household whenever he was around. Izana was the type of older brother who would love to torture his younger sibling every now and then. No questions asked.

"Oh. That's lovely. I would like to meet him some other time. He seemed nice."

That made Akari blink and raised both of her eyebrows, dumbfounded.

The Boss Queen (Izana Kurokawa) COMPLETED 👑Where stories live. Discover now