love first sight, bucky barnes

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"so, what should i do? how about tony?" he tried to solve the problem. "nope. don't even think about that selfish guy." sam brought me to the cafeteria and we discuss it. "first thing first. we should be in disguise and don't expose ourselves too much. or they will be caught us."

i nodded. "then, if you feel you're brave enough. you'll go to her and proposed to her. good?" he explained. "this sounds weird tho." sam hits me. "no its not. my plan is always brilliant." i rolls my eyes. "fine. if your plans didn't work, you have to treat me starbucks."

"what? starbucks? bro i only got 10 bucks in my pocket bro." i look inside his pockets. "fine. just mcdonald." he agreed. there's someone come to approach us. "hi." it was fucking y/n. "h- hi." i waves back. "so i heard, um, you're a new kid in school." i nodded. "how did you know that?"

"oh, it has at the school update board near the library." she points at it. "ah, i see. didn't you have class?" i turn to my left, sam was disappeared. "fuck you sam." she looks at me. "oh, take a seat first." she sits in front of me.

"i have class actually. but i'm tired. so i wanna relax my mind and take some air." she looks at the garden. "you really like flowers aren't you?" she looks at me, smiles, and nods. my heart already beating fastly. "do you like flowers?" i look at her. "oh. boys didn't like flower." she looks somewhere else.

"no, no, no. i really love flowers. i have a mini flower garden in my backyard." she was surprised. "wow! seriously? you are so limited edition!" i chuckle. "I've never found any guy who likes flowers." i keep chuckling.

"btw, what are you doing here? didn't you have class?" she asks me. "nope. my teacher is absent. she's in hospital." she was shocked. "what's wrong with her?" "she's giving birth." she sounds happy. "i'm happy for her." she looks at her watch and asks me something. "since you didn't have any class, wanna join me to go to the library? read some books?"

i nodded but my heart still beating fastly. "sure." we get off the chair and straight to the library. when we walk, she looks at me up and down. "um, any problems?" she hides her face. "i didn't know you were so damn tall." i chuckle. "i'm 6'0." she was shocked. "i was 5'6. i'm short."

"nah you're not. then, why do people like you?' she giggles. we go inside the library. i follow her behind. she goes to the music section and takes a book called 'composition music for beginners.' and we sit at the table near the education section rack.

i take a book about engineering and read it. y/n just sit at the chair, but she stands up back and back to the music rack. she came back bring 2 books. coldplay and adele book. "oh, what's that? you listened to coldplay?" she nodded. "absolutely. they're awesome."

"why you read it?" i ask. "i- um. this book told and teach us how to make music, write a song, and composition music. i need that." i nodded. "adele book?" she take it and explained it to me. "this is related to music. but it tells about her life story same as this coldplay book. but, the adele book didn't show anything about composition."

i didn't understand a word. "i know you're not understanding." she laugh. she open the coldplay books and read it. "have you been producing songs?" she thinks. "i once, wrote a song when i was 14. but, i was literally dumb and don't know what to do. so, i just hummed to it." she is awesome.

"when i was 17, i produced a song by myself on SoundCloud. i didn't know it would blow up. it was totally viral!" is the song is trend last time? "wait, is the song name 'beautiful life'?" she nodded happily. "how did you know that?" she was so excited. "it was a trend everywhere!!" she can't hide her happiness. "i didn't know about this." then, she reads her book.

when she read while smiling, i keep looking at her. she- totally beautiful. like an angel. she turns to me. i cover myself with a book. shit, she caught me. heard some whisper behind me. "omg, it's y/n. she hangs out with the new kid?!" i was lucky.


i was normally walking to the main door suddenly i saw a man running towards me. i stops. "YOOOO BUCKYY" it was sam. "yo, bro." we fist bump. "bro, you hang out with her?" i nodded happily. "yeah. i was so lucky that day. i would NEVER forget that day." sam laughed. "mission today? are you good?" he shows thumbs up. "mission will start today."

i hide at the flower garden as usual. waiting for y/n came in. i keep my eyes sharp. "where are you." then, she pops out. i lower my head and keep looking at her. "oh my god, why the flower was withered?"

she touch the flower. "poor you." suddenly, tony came. fuck. "y/n!!" she waves at him. "damn, fuck you tony." i ran away and sam blocked me. "where you wanna go man?!" she asks. i just stares at him.

"uuuuu, somebody in love~" he suddenly said that. "shut up, sam." i ran away.

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you just keep looking at him. "he's new kid in school, right?" tony asked and you nodded. "he's kinda cute." you smiles. "uuuuuu, someone fell in loveeee" tony teased you. "no im not!"


i sit at the field near the corridor. luckily it was windy and not so hot. i thre the rocks. "fuck you. i missed the chance." i keep throwing it. "um, bucky?" there's someone pats me. it was y/n.

"oh, hey." i face to the wide view. "what are you doing here?" i asked her. "um, nothing actually." she's giggle. and sit beside me. i look at the couples in front of me.

"do you ever fell in love?" why she asked that?! "never. in my life." i shake my head. "you? ever fell in love?" she smiles. "no,either. i once really obsessed with celebrity crush. that's it." i nodded.

"what does it feels to fell in love?" i look at her. "i really wanna feel like that." i just keep looking at her and decided to tell the truth. "y/n, i actually have something to tell you."

she looks at me and waited for me to speak. "i- i actually." I STUTTERED. "i love you, y/n." i ran away. "bucky? hey! bucky!!"

i had to run. then, i bump with sam. "YO! WHY YOU'RE RUNNING?!" i push sam to hide behind the wall.

"I FUCKING PROPOSED TO HER!" sam was shocked. "are you kidding me?! the first class music girl?!" i nodded.

"hi, have you seen bucky barnes?" she almost close to us. "just goo!! dont hide! be a men!" sam push me and she literally saw me. she runs towards me.

"bucky!" she stand in front of me. my heart beating so fastly like a ferarri. "are you really sure you love me?" my cheeks were burn. "it's not an acting, right?" i shake my head.

"i love you too, bucky." her cheeks were red. "i grab her and pinned to the wall and kiss her on the lips. luckily there were no one here.

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