Part 24 - bomb disposal

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Licia and I hurried past trying to look like innocent passers-by and came back on the other side of the street.

We waited near the loading dock door and as soon as Denny stopped his Jeep, we got into the back seats.

'You two must love this blooming school. How did you find out about this?'

'Don't stop the engine,' I told him, and drive to the parking lot. We will be safer there.'

'And leave the engine running,' Licia added. 'I'm freezing.'

'Tell me again. What the blooming hell is going on?'

'We've been up most of the night,' Licia told him. 'We stopped two men from blowing up your hardware. Some of the bombs might be on timers. We don't know.'

'Strewth! You're serious! Bombs?'

'Deadly serious,' I said. 'We should call the police.'

'I don't think Dr Lee blooming Zhang will agree to that,' Denny said as he moved the Jeep. 'How did you stop them?' Denny asked.

Licia stole their SUV so they ran off,' I explained. 'Yonnie and Treeka video recorded the entire event.'

'Why don't we check the video again,' Licia suggested. 'We may be able to locate the explosives. I down-loaded it to my phone.'

Licia switched her cell phone on so Denny could watch the two men in the laboratory.

He groaned. 'They took the cardboard box off camera. The video doesn't show us what they did with the blinking explosives.'

'I think we should call the police and get a bomb disposal team to get rid of the explosives,' I suggested.

'No. No. Absolutely blooming not.' Dr Zhang does not want anyone seeing his work.'

'I thought you would say that,' I said. 'So, how about I talk to Beryl. With her military background she might know another way to dispose of them.'

'I guess Beryl is okay. She knows we are under surveillance anyway,' Denny admitted reluctantly.

I borrowed Licia's cell phone to call and ask Beryl if she could help us with bomb disposal at Silverwood School.

'Bomb disposal? Well, that's good news. I was wondering what to do today. I'll just finished my coffee and I'll be right there.'

Licia then called Miguel. 'You'd better get to school right away. We had a little excitement last night.'

Nine minutes later Beryl tapped on the Jeep's window and climbed into the front passenger's seat. She was wearing a heavy duty face shield with a helmet mounted light and camera. 'Good morning all,' she said as my miniature gopher hound, Pacman, hopped onto her lap. 'Now what's this all about?'

We quickly explained what had happened and showed her the video on Licia's phone.

'You're right,' she said, 'those two do look like the bikers working for Dark Fire Data. I'll take a quick look around inside, if you would let me in. But I don't want anyone else to come with me incase I trigger one of the bombs.'

Miguel showed up and Denny drove us all back to the loading dock door and unlocked them while Beryl called Licia's cell phone to 'maintain communications.'

Undercover - Steam Power - Book 5Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora