Part 17 - Avast Zooming Carpet

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'Put your trousers on while I get the laces,' Denny said removing a sharp knife from his tool belt.

I opened the door slightly and looked down the corridor. 'Why don't you put your sweater on top of your dress?' I suggested.

I tip-toed down the stairs with Denny, Licia and Miguel close behind, and I and peeked into the room.  Harpetzoon and Lieutenant Shovelle were sitting on a bench talking to Squire Trevelyan with their backs to me. Squire Trevelyan saw me as we crept through the doorway and his gestures became more animated until he looked like he was conducting an orchestra. I didn't understand why until I looked around and saw Licia was wearing her yellow inflatable coat.

We almost made it across the room, and Licia, Miguel and I were through the front door with Denny behind us, when Harpetzoon spotted us. 'AHOY! AVAST! STOP! DESERTERS. COME BACK YOU SHIP SCUTTLERS! FRENCH SPIES!' 

 He bounced up and down on the bench as he started to get up and there was a splintering crash as the bench collapsed under him. As soon as we were outside, Triple Oh slammed the door shut behind us and hung on to the door handle. For several agonizing seconds we stared at the wall as we heard Harpetzoon thundering ponderously across the room. The door jerked half open but Denny grabbed the handle with Triple Oh and they managed to close it again. 

 Harpetzoon crashed into the door ripped the frame off the building and sending Triple Oh and Denny sprawling onto the cobbles but he got wedged between in the doorway as he grabbed Denny and tucked him under one arm. 

 Dr Zhang was trying to pull Denny away so I wondered why Denny was holding onto Harpetzoon's belt buckle. Through the window, I could see Lieutenant Shovelle waving his pistol. There was no sign of the time phase transfer light. 

 Licia said, 'Open sesame,' in desperation.'

Harpetzoon was stuck halfway through the door with Denny clutched under one arm and Dr Zhang under the other but his trousers were around his ankles. Miguel and I ran back to help Triple Oh. We grasped an arm each and pulled. 

 Miguel shouted, 'Oppy! Open up!' at the wall.

Harpetzoon fell out of the doorway and tripped over his trousers releasing Dr Zhang and Denny. Lieutenant Shovelle's pistol went off with a loud bang and the whole street lit up with the flickering blue-green light.

Licia, Miguel, Denny, Dr Zhang and I raced into the light but I was unable to resist the urge to stop and look back. Triple Oh and Uncle Dunc were right behind us. Harpetzoon Tromp was kneeling on the cobble stones clutching his trousers and wearing an expression flickering between baffled rage and abject fear. 

 Lieutenant Shovelle was frantically trying to reload his pistol and Squire Trevelyan was behind him wearing an expression of amused interest as he puffed on his clay pipe.

I looked at them with my a widest triumphal grin and yelled, 'Thanks for everything squire.' 

 He waved his pipe, ''Twas my pleasure, young master.'

'Avast! Zooming Carpet,' Miguel shouted as we stepped into the light.

 'How about that, eh?' Licia yelled. 'Are we good? Or what?

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