Part 18 - Silverwood School

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Our adventure might have ended without incident, as we ran through the shimmering blue light of the time phase transfer into Silverwood School, except the school principal, Melvin Ball, was waiting for us. He was a short, plump cheerful man, known to all students Cannonball. He normally wore a big smile but this time he looked very worried, and this indicated serious trouble. 

As soon as he recognized Dr Zhang he said, 'Ah, Lee could you spare a few minutes.'

Dr Zhang looked like he had no time to spare but he replied, 'Ah-um, in my office?'

As they walked away I looked around, counted Miguel, Licia and Denny and breathed a sigh of relief. We would not have to explain a talking goose to Principal Ball. 'What happened to Triple Oh and Dunc?'

The time phase light blinked out and the electric bookcase reappeared as I glanced at a wall clock. It was almost seven pm so the students and teachers would have left.

Miguel said, 'Triple Oh has his own connection. He is probably back at his office talking to Theo.'

Denny staggered to a chair and sat down.

'Are you injured, Denny? Licia asked.

'Not badly. Only a few bruises but the adrenalin is wearing off and I am very tired.' 

We were debating the merits of hot chocolate at Licia's home when Dr Zhang reappeared and asked us to join him in Cannonball's office. Denny declined but Licia, Miguel and I followed Dr Zhang to the principal's office near the school's main entrance as he gave us terse instructions. 

'Ah-um, Melvin Ball knows nothing about my work but he is worried about you. Please say nothing about what happened. Don't talk to anyone.'

The school office looked the same as it had on the first and only occasion I had been inside except the two glass tanks had been replaced by larger tanks for Cannonball's pet anaconda and cobra.

When we were all sitting, Cannonball told us that he had just received a telephone call from the Ottawa police. Several school neighbours had reported strange cars and motor bikes and lights coming from Silverwood School but officers in two patrol cars sent to investigate had found nothing suspicious and no signs of forced entry. 

 Dr Zhang had explained that he had been experimenting and had been demonstrating his equipment to us but principal Ball had insisted that we confirm that we had not been in danger. I looked Licia and Miguel and read the unspoken agreement.

 I crossed my thumbs and said, 'No. It was just a science project; very educational.'

This seemed to mollify Cannonball but we were a little surprised that he did not question us further.

Licia invited Miguel and me for hot chocolate in her basement where we spent an hour rehashing our adventure before Miguel and I felt a compelling need for sleep, in a comfortable bed with clean teeth and comfortable pyjamas, and headed home.

But, when I opened the front door at Sixty Seven Sumac Street there was a lot of noise coming from the upstairs apartment where our landlord lived with two of grandma's ancient friends. I checked the fridge in the downstairs apartment I shared with my grumpy grandma but, as usual, there was nothing that appeared edible.

So, I decided to go upstairs to find food. The apartment door was open so I slipped inside and announced my presence. 'Hey, Emma. Beryl. It's Ziff.'

The kitchen, dining room and living room were filled with people including my Grandma, our landlord Mr Eric Bragg, Rico (who was redecorating the apartment) and his nephew, Jeremy, while Beryl was in the dining room running a meeting of the Guerilla Grannies. 

 They were watching the high definition videos taken when American detectives had tried to kidnap Licia, Miguel and me during the Christmas vacation. I watched for a few minutes before the smell of freshly baked hot pies drew me to the kitchen where Emma was feeding my miniature gopher hound, Pacman. 

 I was not surprised to find Kozak eating some pie and, as soon as Emma saw me, she gave me a large dish of my favourite apple crumble with hot custard.

 'What brings you here on such a cold evening,' I asked Kozak.

'Emma's superb pies,' he replied. 'And I 'av a kestion. 'Av you seen Murga?' 

'Not since he transphased us to Britain recently.   Did you loose your insane boss?'

Murga had abducted my parents, which was why I was living with my grumpy grandma, and he had repeatedly tried to kidnap me, sometimes with Kozak's help.

Kozak shrugged. ''E does not always tell me what 'e is doing but I know 'e did not send you to Plymouth. It was someone else.'

I stared at him. 'Dark Fire Data?'

'No. Zhey are looking for computer hackers. Zhey do not know what Dr Zhang is doing.'

'Then who?'

'I do not know . . . All I know is zat I am stuck here. I cannot go home wizout Murga . . . and 'e as disappeared.'

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