Part 13 - Back to Plymouth

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As soon as Mr Watt was out of earshot, Dr Zhang replied to my questions. 'Ah-um, I found Oppy was on and then I discovered the electric bookcase had been switched on and Denny had vanished. I assumed Murga had been monitoring the electric bookcase in an attempt to kidnap Ziff again. I didn't know you three had gone until I met Squire Trevelyan.' He grinned. 'I wasn't so worried about losing Denny but . . .'

'Ha! Now I know how much I'm appreciated,' Denny snorted sarcastically. 'I had always wondered if I was indispensable.'

Dr Zhang grinned and continued. 'Ah-um, when I got to the tavern, Squire Trevelyan recognized me from your description. He was kind enough to loan me his spare clothes and arrange this carriage complete with coachman. He was even willing to exchange coin of the realm for my gold bars. And, voila, here I am, riding to the rescue. The only thing I don't understand - and this is embarrassing for a genius to admit - was why did Murga send you all to Plymouth England in 1778?'

'That was me,' Denny confessed. 'I inputted 1778 on the interface computer without realizing what would happen. I was blooming sure Oppy was turned off.'

Dr Zhang hummed tunelessly. 'Ah-um, why would Murga turn Oppy on and how did he know Ziff was going to be there? Assuming he was after Ziff.'

'This is all very interesting,' Denny remarked, 'but the kids' parents must be worried to death. When can we go back?'

'Ah-um, nobody's parents should be worried just yet,' Dr Zhang reassured him. 'Oppy will have set up our return time for four hours after you left but I'd like to get back to Plymouth. We should get going as soon as possible.' 

 But, as Mr Watt was instructing the enginemen how to run tests we had to wait several minutes before we could drag him away from the engine. Finally, we all squeezed into the carriage for the trip back to Mr Hornblower's house. 

 There, Dr Zhang was very embarrassed when a lovely young girl, wearing a long billowing dress and a peekaboo bonnet, ran down the stone steps and threw herself at him. She gave him a big hug and her bonnet fell off.

'Licia,' Dr Zhang gasped in surprise. 

 'We're going home!' She exclaimed happily. 'Hot showers and flush toilets, yahoo.'

'Ah-um, I didn't recognize you in such a beautiful dress and with ribbons in your hair. I've never seen you without jeans and a sweater.' 

 Licia laughed. 'I like to dress up sometimes but this frock is complicated. I need help getting it on and walking around without knocking things over, or tripping over the hem.' 

 After the introductions with Mr Hornblower and his family, we were all invited to stay for tea. We amused everybody by describing our adventures without, of course, admitting that we were deserters from the Royal Navy. When we were ready to leave, Dr Zhang offered to pay Mrs Hornblower for our clothes but she said they were all to small, old and not worth much. Instead, Dr Zhang gave two guineas to Megan and we said goodbye to the Hornblower family.

As, by this time, it was evening, Mr Watt suggested we all sleep over at his house and leave in the morning so we all piled into Dr Zhang's carriage for the journey back to Mr Watt's house.

On the way, Licia whispered to Dr Zhang, 'What about Alfie? Can we take him with us?'

Dr Zhang looked at her sadly. 'I am afraid that would not be possible, Licia. I'm sorry.'

Mr Watt overheard. 'I guessed Alfie was no from Canada and I ha' been thinking about offering him a job as an apprentice wi' me.' He turned to Alfie. 'Yurr a guid wurrker, laddy. I willna gee ye a wage but ye will ha' free lodgings and food until ye're a skilled engineman.'

Denny had to translate that for the rest of us but Alfie understood right away. He just beamed his agreement.

After breakfast the next morning, Mr Watt apologized that he could not wait to see us off as he wanted to get back to the engine tests. So, we thanked Mr and Mrs Watt for their hospitality and sadly said goodbye to Alfie as he left with Mr Watt for the mine.

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