Danny- Slumber

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Pronouns: She/ They

Name: Vera

I wasn't one to accept an invitation to a slumber party, mostly due to the fact that I suffered from insomnia. I rarely slept at night. When I did go to sleep, it was around 5am to 6am, when I was supposed to be getting up. It was hell. But, of course, I screwed up and fumbled my words. I said I would love to go and forgot to add 'but I can't' so now I have to go to Danny's sleepover and I have no excuse for getting out of it. I could say I can't go since I'm a girl and he's a guy. No, that wouldn't work. I could say I forgot about family plans. What if he asks?! I would need to come up with something. I'm terrible with detailed lies and I really don't want this to snowball into something else. It's just insomnia. Why am I making this worse than it actually is? I just have trouble sleeping. No biggie.

So maybe biggie. I'm in his room, his friends baled, it's just us. I don't want him waking up in the middle of the night to go pee or something and see me wide awake and looking weird! "Hey, uh Vera, I'm sorry about this. It's probably weird for you since you were expecting a group and now it's just me and you." I shook my head and waved my hands. "No don't feel bad! It's alright! Let's just make the best of what we have right?" I was dying on the inside from how awkward I was. I just wanted to sleep or at least lay down. "Uh, yeah. Oh, I should tell you sleeping arrangements. We can rock, paper, scissors for the bed." I smiled at him and pulled my sleaves up. "Ok you're on."

I won with paper the first round, then rock the second, that meant the third was useless. I smiled at him and sat on his bed. "Thank you very much!" He rolled his eyes at me and I just laughed at him. "Don't get mad because you suck at the game!" "You know what? I'm just gonna go to bed." I rolled my eyes at his attitude and smirked. "Alright crybaby." I rolled over and got comfortable. I never noticed before but the cologne he uses smells pretty good. Almost hypnotizing. I started to slowly sink into a deep sleep, not even realize I was able to accomplish something so big for me.

Of course, it was short lived though. I woke up to Danny shaking me awake. "Vera?! Vera! Are you ok?" I woke up in a panic, not fully realizing what was going on. "Yeah, why? What's wrong?" I looked around the dim room, the only light illuminating it being the leds. "You were crying out for help and just about this close to yelling. I nearly pissed my pants!" My eyes went wide, clearly I was shocked seeing as I wasn't aware that I had night terrors. "I'm so sorry! I can leave if you'd like!" Danny looked shocked at my reply. "What? No! I just want to make sure you're ok!" He wiped my face of tears I hadn't known were there. "Thanks. I appreciate it." He smiled at me sweetly. "Of course. Are you ok though?" I nodded a little. "Well, I'm not since the floor killed my back so I think I'll sleep here with you. Is that ok?" I was shocked but still managed to reply. "U-Uh sure." We went back to bed and surprisingly, I had no problems after that. The nightmares that I apparently had, were gone. Same with my insomnia. It must've been the comfort Danny provided.

A/N: I'm so so so sorry it's shit! I can redo it if you'd like! I'm just a bit drained! I'll probably come back to it tomorrow or something and see how it is with a fresh mind. I'm sorry if it isn't what you hoped for! <3

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