Arny, Brandon, and Danny - Leave Me Be

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Pronouns: They/Them

I was having a bad day to say the least. I lost my headphones, so I had to run to the Shell down the street to get some new ones. Then, while I was out, it started pouring down rain. They didn't have any left, so I had to run to the 7eleven in the other direction, getting soaked by passing cars on the way.

When I finally got there, I was completely soaked and on the verge of a mental breakdown. I grabbed the first ones I could see, no longer caring. I bought them and put my hood up, it not making a difference. My shoes, socks, and just feet overall were completely soaked to the point where it didn't matter if I stepped in a puddle. I still tried avoiding them since I would most likely fall on either my ass or face, but the passing cars didn't seem to care much about my current predicament. They were cozy with their heated seats and music blasting while I was convinced, I would get hypothermia by the time I got home.

I rounded the corner and saw the sanctuary that was my apartment complex. I sped up and hurriedly went to the elevators. "Closed for construction. Are you kidding me?!" I was so close to losing my mind. I looked at the stairs and groaned as I started my assent to the 6th floor.

By the time I got there, my legs were burning, I was shaking and on the verge of tears, and I couldn't feel anything due to everything being so cold. "About time! Holy shit you look like crap!" I looked at the guys who were in front of my door and glared at Arny. "How about you shut the hell up! I'm this close to beating the crap out of you if you open your mouth one more time." I unlocked my door and walked into my apartment only to hear Arny comment on my mood. "What's their problem? Jeez." I spun around, clearly emotionally and physically ruined for the day. "Maybe I am in pain, and I am this close to just having a complete break down! You know what?! Scratch that! I am having a break down! I can't handle going out all alone in this weather and being treated like shit! I can't handle the ice cold! I'm shaking and just need to lay down! I had to climb the stairs while I couldn't feel anything! That's what my problem was! And all I wanted were some fucking headphones!" I finally broke down and fell to the ground, sobbing since I couldn't handle it. I was ice cold still. Arny grabbed some pajamas while Brandon and Danny carried me to the bathroom. They drew a warm bath and let me figure it out myself. 

They had seen me before but that doesn't mean they want to see me again. I got in the bath on my own and finally calmed down. I processed everything and felt bad for lashing out at Arny. He was just joking like normal but due to a bad day I decided to take my temper out on him. The water was getting cool, so I got out. I went to my room and put on the clothes Arny got for me. I found him and awkwardly stood there. "Uh, I'm sorry. I was having a horrible day and I just wanted it to end so I got mad at you. I know what I did was wrong, and I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry, but can you please forgive me please? Am I rambling? I feel like I'm rambling a bit. Arny?" I looked him in the eyes as I smiled awkwardly, really wanting this entire conversation to just come to an end. He smiled at me and pulled me close. "Of course I forgive you. This is hard to say too, but I'm sorry." I hit his arm and glared at him. Danny and Brandon started some popcorn in the microwave as Arny and I got the movie ready. "So, what caused you to have such a bad day?" I shook my head at Brandon and curled up between him and Danny since they had now sat on the couch. "It started with not having headphones, then spiraled from there. Let's leave it be, ok?" 

I was still cold and Danny could feel it, he grabbed a blanket from next to him and laid it over us. Arny got up and grabbed the popcorn, turning off the lights, and starting the movie. My mood wasn't great, but I was doing a bit better. I wasn't completely a train wreck and that's what counts, right?

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