The End is just the Beginning

Start from the beginning

Schmidt jumps towards Steve and they fight even more even despite free falling through the air.

Schmidt gets to the controls and puts it on autopilot.

He takes out a gun and hobbles back over to where fell over.

"You could have the power of the gods!", He exclaims.

He fired at Steve, who dodges the blasts.

"Yet you were a flag in your chest and think you fight a battle of nations!"

"I have seen the future, Captain! There are no flags!"

"Not my future!", Steve exclaims.

He runs and dodges more blasts before throwing his shield at Schmidt, knocking him back into his energy source; destroying it.

"What have you done? No!", Schmidt exclaims.

He picks up the Tesseract and more energy is released from it.

Space is seen on the roof of the ship before Schmidt is surrounded in the energy.

He starts to dissolve from the power. It is burning him.

In an explosion of light, he is burned and gone.

The Tesseract falls through the floor of the shop and Steve picks up his shield before taking a seat in the pilot chair.

He realizes what he has to do.

"Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?", Steve's voice is heard over the comm.

"Captain Rogers, what is your...", The man is interrupted by Peggy.

"Steve, is that you? Are you all right?", She asks into the comm.

"Peggy, Schmidt's dead!", Steve says.

"What about the plane?", She asks.

"That's a little bit tougher to explain.", He says.

"Give me your coordinates. I'll find you a safe landing site.", She says.

Colonel Phillips is now standing nearby, also listening.

"There's not going to be a safe landing. But I can try to force it down.", Steve says.

"I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do.", Peggy says.

Both of the other men leave the room, leaving her alone.

"There's not enough time. This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York."

"I got to put her in the water.", He finishes.

"Rebecca wouldn't want this. Neither would Bucky. You know that Steve.", She is tearing up now.

"Please, don't do this. We have time. We can work it out.", She adds.

"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer, a lot of people are going to die. And they sure as hell, wouldn't want that.", He says.

"Peggy. This is my choice."

Steve grabs out his compass and opens it, setting it on the dashboard. So the faces of his lovers staring back at him, he gets ready to save New York.

He forces the ship down.


"I'm here.", By her voice, it is clear she is trying not to cry.

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