Reunions and Death Threats

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"Rebecca!", Peggy exclaims after finally caught up the woman.


"It's so good to see you.", She is cut off.

"Don't even start. I met your boyfriend."

"Whi- what?"

"Steve. Steve Rogers."

"Oh. I take it you two talked."

"You bet we talked. He told me all about your relationship."



"Look, Peg. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I love them bo-"

"What? That's not why I'm upset."


"Really. I'm upset because you didn't tell me. Besides, I'm in an unconventional relationship myself."

"A woman.", Rebecca mouths.

Peggy nods with a slight blush.

Her sister smirks before running and hugging her.

"I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you."

"So. What do you think?"

"What do you mean?", Peggy asks.

"Of Steve. And Bucky. The whole, the whole thing."

"I think, you are the happiest I've ever seen you before. And that me so happy. I'll tell you what though, I like him a lot less now that I know he's dating my little sister.", She answers.

Rebecca laughs, ignoring the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I should go- get back to-"

"Of course.", Peggy smiles before they part ways.

"How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator?", Colonel Phillips says as he passes by Brandt.

"I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous.", Brandt replies.

The Senator makes his way to Dr. Erskine.

"Congratulations, Doctor.", He shakes his hand.

"Thank you, Sir."

The man, Fred Clemson, pulls out a lighter. He opens it. Dr. Erskine sees this and gets worried.

All of a sudden, the observation Booth explodes. Everyone ducks for cover.

Rebecca was walking back to Steve when the explosion happened. Steve noticed she was walking towards him but amongst the panic he lost sight of her.

"Becca!", He shouted.

He pushed through the sea of terrified people to find her on the ground covering her head with her arms and hands. He smiled, thanking her past self for learning safety techniques and teaching them to himself and Bucky as well.

As Steve was helping her up, Fred Clemson stole the last vial of the serum and shot Dr. Erskine square in the chest.

"Stop him!", A man shouted as Fred fled the room.

Steve and Rebecca rushed to Dr. Erskine's side.

Peggy shot the man as he escaped and ran after him.

The Doctor didn't even have to say anything to Steve, he simply pointed to his chest.

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