f i v e

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c h a p t e r f i v e

"dada! we have visitors!" the kid shouted, which is enough to hear for ten since he was in the kitchen.

"oh, maybe it's kun." ten said, removing his apron and making his way out of the kitchen.

"yah, chittaphon!" a familiar voice shouted.

"does getting older affect you to forget my name?" ten teased, making the visitor frowned.

"how dare you, we're just the same age!" the other hissed, making ten laugh and hugged him.

"i thought you guys would not come, by the way, take a seat." ten said.

the small guy looked up at the tall man carrying two plastic bags, he handed it on ten and hugged him as a greeting to the small guy.

"why are you looking at me like i'm really small, hansol?" ten eyebrows raised.

"it's true that you're small though," the other replied.

"i know, you don't need to say it straight on my face, you punk." the thai male hissed, making the tall man laugh.

"who are you?" the three years old kid asked the tall kid in front of him.

"i'm ten chittaphon leechaiyaporkul's son." jake proudly said, smiling.

"huh? lee chittaporn?" the kid asked, making the tall kid shake his head.

"forget my dada's name, how about you?" the tall kid asked politely.

"oh, me? i'm kio!" the kid said happily.

"you want to play? johnny hyung gave me a lot of toys." jake said, making the kid frown.

"isn't he uncle tennie fiance?" the kid asked.

"you know, sometimes we need to shut our mouths." he giggled, making the kid more curious.

on the other side, the parents were having a talk while eating the food that ten made. the two already know ten's situation because it's been a month since the two broke up, everyone was looking for johnny and ten doesn't have a choice to tell the truth that they already broke up.

but not the reason.

ten was still in pain, those memories was still coming in his mind everyday, he cries every night when jake didn't slept at his room. and lastly,

he misses him.

"i've been busy these days," kun said. "i got a new job."

"hmm, what work though?" the thai male asked.

"stripper," he replied, which made ten choke his food.

"the fuck, qian kun!" the thai male hissed that made the chinese man burst out laughing.

"just kidding, i was really hired as a secretary. luckily my boss already knows how to handle his time." kun said, taking a sip of his juice.

"what company, by the way?" ten asked and ate some snacks.

"suh's company."

making his way inside the company, the guard greeted him and made ten also greet back. he waved at the front lady who rolled her eyes to him and made ten laugh.

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