Chapter 1

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The phone rings, but my heart is heavy. I can't accept the call. I don't dare pick up. I lie on my bed, or rather his and mines bed. I know that's bad. I know. I shouldn't be lying here and then not answering the phone. But it's my decision. I lie still, my legs from my knees down off the mattress dangling, while my hands rest over my stomach. I draw designs on my ceiling, I mean our ceiling, with my mind as I stare. The phones rings stop and I can hear the answering machine down the hall picking up the call.

"Hi, you've reached the Thomas residence. Sorry Mike or Ava couldn't come to the phone, but if you leave your name and number we'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible." The message played. Mike. Oh Mike. His voice was so nice to hear over the message. He, however seemed weird lately.

"Hi, Ava. This is Dr. Martin, if you could please call me back as soon as you get this, I'd greatly appreciate talking to you. Alright, thank you." The familiar man's voice spoke kindly over the speaker. Great, I thought. Now he knows me how messed up I am. I knew I was messed up. I had to be. I slowly raised my upper body off the clean sheets and sat stiffly on the edge of the bed. This is his side of the bed. The phone started ringing again. I slowly raised and felt pressure on my stomach that was oh so familiar. I walked over to the landline a few paces away and looked at called ID. Mike.

"Hello?" I answered him happily.

"Hey, so the guys wanna go out. But we think we should bring the wives this time. Do you feel up for a night out?" Mike asked in a husky voice. Great going out with people.

"Sure, sounds fun. Can Kendall come?" I asked simply blurting it out. Mike went quiet. He wasn't fond of my best friend being a straight, famous, and attractive male.

"If you want him to." Meaning 'if that gets you to come out, then sure.'

"Okay, want me to just meet you there?" I asked him pulling out my cell. I opened to the messages. It was already opened to Kendall and mines messages. He was the last one to reply.

"Yeah, bring Kendall with you. We'll be at Jerry's on 29th." Mike informed me. I typed that to Kendall and added '6 ish?'

"Alright sounds fun. I'll see you then. Love you." I said hoping for a reply.

"Yeah, see ya." He said with a click afterwards. I took a breath and hung up the home phone and then looked at my cell. Kendall had seen the message and was replying.
'Mike having another guys night plus Terry and Ava?' -Kendall
'Yes, so please come with me. Terry is about as interesting as a box of nails and she's bringing her baby most likely. Save me from the boredom, please.' -Me
'Ill come, but it's because I love ya.' -Kendall sent with a winky face.

I knew he loved me. He told me a year and a half ago. I had met Kendall through a mutual friend and ever since we became closer than ever. But unfortunately I was already married when I met Kendall. I had been married to Mike two years ago, and since we've been married, I don't think he has said he has loved me once. I was upset and quite drunk one night Kendall and I were hanging out. Mike and I argued a lot it seemed and he usually said pretty nasty, hurtful things just to win the argument. One night after a fight I left the house, I was upset because my marriage was awful and we were only six months in. Kendall was there to help me out. He gave me alcohol and called me pretty so I started spilling my feelings about Mike and mines marriage to Kendall. I cried for hours that night. Kendall at the end of the night, decided that before he tucked me into bed in his guest room, to spill his little heart out to me.

"I love you." He had said. I had been so confused then. I didn't understand what was happening. I wasn't suppose to make other guys love me, only my husband, who hadn't said a word of love to me in months. I literally think he said he loved me on our wedding day to the faces of our friends and since then, nothing.

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