He comes at me swinging hard, I deflect easily. I'm smaller, and getting out of his way is easy, we do this for a while, him throwing, me dodging until he catches me with a lightning combo punch to my ribs before I can move away. I gasp at the searing pain.


He grins, knowing he's hurt me but makes no move to finish me off.

His first mistake.

Winded and bruised I realize I've underestimated him. He's not just big, he's fast too, and he's been playing me as much as I've been playing him.

Replanting my feet on the ground, I roll the pain off my and attack exposing my left shoulder.

It's not what he expects after taking his punches. I let him graze my shoulder rolling it just as he sends a power punch toward it, he exposes his face trying to slam my shoulder and I feel the satisfying crunch of his nose as my fist breaks it. The same move that got Trent. They always fall for it.

Dante growls staggering back wiping his face, blood smeared across his cheek. I smirk and feel his fury, satisfied I got the first draw of blood.

He charges back fast and angry, aiming for my face which I'm able to avoid, blocking, and parrying. My arms ache from the force of blocking his hard punches.

We continue this dance until he finally catches me again on my ribs sending me flying to the ground, the crack of my breaking bones resounding through the field and echoing in my ears.

Looking up at the clear blue sky stars swim as I catch my breath and wait for the intense pain to subside. I can't stop the tears, he hits like a wrecking ball not pulling his punches at all.

"You done princess?" He says standing above me smirking down.

"Not quite," I growl clutching my ribs and shooting my foot out with two successive fast kicks between his legs sending him to his knees where I'm able to roll and pounce sending him on his back. Taking advantage of his momentary disability I fly a super fast six-combo punch to his face splitting his lip and brow before rolling away and crouching across the ring from him.

My chest burns like a fucking volcano when I breathe and I know I'm one punch away from collapsing, but damn it's satisfying to see Dante's pretty face fucked up.

He heaves himself up his eyes zoning in on me.

In almost slow motion he stalks toward me and rains punch after punch toward my head, I duck and weave, leaping back and getting in a few kicks to his side which pretty much bounce off his steel-like structure. Each movement sends bolts of pain through my body which I choke down. He catches a few punches to my face and my vision blurs from the sweat and blood, I know he's only seconds away from connecting a blow that will end this.

Then a fucking miracle happens.

The wind picks up and a scent neither of us expects wafts across the court. Dante freezes and turns his head in the direction of Eva who appears on the ridge beside Sebastian. His wolf flares unexpectedly in his eyes taking his focus away from the fight.

It's the fucking opportunity of the century and with the last of my strength I leap a furious kick to his face connecting perfectly with his jaw, he crumbles to his knees. I mercilessly grab his shoulders kneeing him in the balls feeling the softness smash under my patella.

I'm suddenly blinded by pain as Dante smashes a thunderous punch into my ribs just as he collapses onto his back, groaning and grabbing his crotch.

"Fucking bitch!" he cries choking on pain.

"Fuck you too Dante," I say between gritted teeth clutching my side as I feel blackness start to wash over me.

"That's for my sister you prick," I say before I black out completely.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now