Chapter Five (Keefe)

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Earlier that morning

*beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beep* 

*beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beep*

*beeeeee- SMACK*

Keefe slammed his hand on the snooze button. He didn't feel like waking up yet. Waking up meant he would have to face his father.

It's 5:30... Keefe thought.

School starts at seven, so I won't have to leave for like an hour.

That would be just enough time to do his hair. Walking into his extravagant bathroom, Keefe texted Fitz.



Good morning sunshine ☀️ 


Hi Keefe.

Wanna car-pool to school? 

My dad has to work early so me and bi have to ride the bus 🙄

Oh okay. See u at school?


Bye bye Fitzipoo ❤️

Bye Keefe 


Ugh. Now my dumb dad has to drive me to school. He'll probably just tell me how much of a disappointment I am the whole ride.

Oh well. Keefe was used to it by now. His parents were always talking about their "failure son who can't do anything right". They were just mad he wasn't exactly like them. That's one of the main reasons he would act out. He knew every rolled up sleeve and messed up hair drove his dad crazy. Skipping and getting detention was just another way to make them even more annoyed. He hoped today was no different.


Keefe's hair wasn't just a style, it was art. He knew for a fact he used more products than most of his friends combined. It was worth it though. He was one of the most popular boys in school. Girls wanted to date him and guys wanted to be him. Same with Fitz, but he was more of a player than him. He always has a girlfriend, until a better one comes along and he dumps her for them.

That was one of the things different between them. All Fitz cared about was dating the hottest girl around. But Keefe want to have a relationship with someone with an amazing personality, a good sense of humor, and they should be pretty, but that wasn't the most important thing- Keefe would never tell anyone that though. He just wasn't really interested in anyone at foxfire. Sure he flirts with everyone but that's just how he acts. Most of his jokes are just a cover up for all the hurt- he wouldn't tell anyone that either...

"Keefe!" His mother shouted from downstairs.

"It's time to leave your father is waiting in his car."

Keefe trudged down the stairs and grabbed a waffle on his way out. Pulling on his book bag, he slouched to the car.

Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I don't really have any inspo and a lots been going on so this is just another Keefe filler chapter. Hopefully Sophie and Keefe meet soon, but we'll see! 🙃 Tysm if you're still reading, it really means a lot!

I hope you guys are doing great! 

<3 Lola

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