Chapter two

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"I mean, yeah I guess" Rocky replied. "So do you like Skye or Chase? I can't tell"

Marshall thought for a moment. She treated Skye like his little sister, but he didn't have a crush on her. "Chase. Am I really so obvious?"

"You're not obvious. You just stare at him all the the time, talk about him in your sleep, hangout with him at every opportunity, and agree with everything he says. But no, you're not obvious"

Marshall blushed, and changed the subject. "So when are you asking Zuma out?"

"I don't know. I want to know if he likes me first."

"If you find out if Chase likes me, I'll find out if Zuma likes you"


Rocky left Marshall and went to find Chase.

"How are ya?" Chase asked when he saw Rocky approaching.

"Good. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"If course!"

"Umm.. Do you like anyone? Like like like?".

"Uhh yeah" Chase was obviously very flustered by the question.


Chase looked embarrassed. "Marshall" He confessed.

Rocky nodded, "thanks"

"Wait! Don't tell him!" Chase called.

Rocky pretended not to hear, because he didn't want to tell Chase that Marshall liked him too.

Meanwhile, it was taking Marshall a long time to get Zuma's trust.  he finally got Zuma to tell him: it was a male whose name started with "R" or "rw".

That narrowed it down to Rocky or Ryder. 
It didn't take Marshall a while to realize who it was. As Marshall walked towards Rocky to tell him the good news, he heard Skye crying in her pup house.

He was about to go comfort her, but then he decided to play matchmaker one more time. He found Everest in her pup house, sleeping. She woke up when he knocked and opened the door. "What is it, Marshall?"

"Skye needs a friend if you know what I mean" Marshall winked and left a confused Everest standing in the doorway. But he eventually so her leave towards Skye's pup house, a bit hesitantly as if she were worried that it was a joke.

Marshall grinned to himself and went to Rocky.

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