Chapter one

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Two weeks later( All the pups are fully trained)

As Marshall turned the corner, he saw a familiar face. As Marshall was going towards Chase, he slipped on a banana peel

"ahhhhh" he screamed, Chase turned around, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw a black and white pup flying at him. Marshall collided, and Chase winced as his back hit the pavement.

"Sorry," Marshall said, smiling guiltily. 

Chase shoved him. "I finished my patrol, lets go to the lookout and play tag with the others."

Marshall didn't answer, he had lost himself in Chase's amber eyes. They were adorable, showing his softness from behind his hard outer layer.

"Marshall? Marshall! MARSHALL!" Chase practically screaming now. 

"Wha? Oh hi, Chase. Why are you screaming in my ear?"

" I asked if you wanted to play tag with the others and you weren't responding," Chase replied.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, let's go play tag." Marshall blushed. He would never tell anyone, especially Chase, that he'd only joined the patrol because of Chase. He'd been head over heels for him the moment he'd seen him, but Chase both didn't love him and didn't have time for love. He was too busy with the patrol, Marshall was too. He didn't know what came to his mind that any of the pups could have mates. 

Sure, the other pups had crushes, It was obvious that Skye liked Everest but even though Everest lived with them, she never noticed.

The two of them made their way up the tall driveway and to the backyard.

 Rocky, Zuma, and Skye were having a tug of rope contest

Everest was chasing her tail nearby.

"Wanna play tag?" Chase asked.

Rocky, Zuma, and Skye said yes, and Everest had fallen and was too dizzy to say anything. She managed to shake her head no. She went into the woods to throw up and then went into her pup house to sleep it off. 

"Evewy time! I keep tewwing hew not to chase hew taiw but she nevew wistens" Zuma said. Marshall noticed Rocky staring at him with his tail wagging. He raised his eyebrows. Was every pup gay?

Rocky noticed Marshall staring and blushed, but he didn't look away from the chocolate lab.

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