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Secily knocked on the door in front of her. It opened to reveal a brunette woman with no cloak. Her fabric made a blouse by criss crossing in the front. An intricately designed belt crossed over her waist and revealed blue pants. She still wore her boots. "Oh, um, I'm sorry," she bade, her eyes almost crossing for a moment.

Moiraine smirked, leaning against the door.

"I just... wasn't sleeping and the others all went to do their things and I thought you might not be sleeping either. Were you? ...sleeping?" she whispered after finally looking up, concerned.

Light shone in behind Moiraine, giving her soft smile the glow it deserved. "No," she answered plainly, opening the door more.

Secily hesitantly entered. "Thanks," she breathed. "Sorry. I talk too much. I know."

Moiraine smiled, shutting the door. She held her arm out to a chair. "It's a welcome change, actually. You say less than you think," she reported as she sat across from the redhead. "I'm shocked to see you here. I thought none of you would be speaking to me tonight."

Secily shrugged as she sat down. "The others see you as this lying, potentially deeply manipulative Sedai."

"And you don't?" Moiraine laughed, sitting across from her.

"I'm not above using your vow against you. If I really need an answer."

That stiffened the woman. "Well?" she asked.

Secily looked around. "I don't need answers."

She examined the redhead. "Then you've reached a conclusion," she reasoned.

Secily nodded. "If you weren't sleeping, what were you doing?"

Moiraine could take the hint. "Mostly thinking."

The redhead nodded, pulling her feet free from her boots and tucking them beneath her, allowing her to sit criss-cross. "Any idea how tomorrow will go?"

Teal eyes bore into avoidant blue. "Then you're coming?"

She nodded, looking at her boots. "No one but Rand will care if I die."

'I would . ' But she didn't say that. Couldn't, couldn't open this can of worms. Besides, chances were Moiraine was going to die with the other four. And ⅚ chance Secily wasn't the Dragon. And, if she was... Well, that would complicate things more. "Well, I have questions."

Secily smiled, finally meeting her eyes. "Makes a nice change," she echoed the Sedai's earlier sentiment.

That earned her another smile. "Why would my seer friend see people screaming at you whenever you look at them?"

Secily lost all amusement. She quickly stood, scooping her boots into her hand. "I should go. Rand might need-" She ran to the door and found the Sedai rushing to meet her, putting herself between the redhead and the door. Secily pulled her hand away from the knob. "What are you doing?"

Moiraine wasn't sure. She just knew she didn't want the young woman to leave. A visceral reaction, right down to her personal source. "No more questions," she promised. She looked over to the side where tea was being prepared.

"What're you doing?"

The brunette stood up, pushing against the younger woman's middle. "That's a question, but I'm making tea. We could both use the rest and I'd like to have a talk with you. About that night."

Secily took in a deep breath. "Oh, that." She looked down, her neck coloring with embarrassment while her face paled at the expected rebuttal.

"You did very well."

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