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The Warder watched Secily carefully. She looked fine. She looked... like she always did. Weary, paranoid, on edge. Her month alone hadn't done much for her. He'd noticed the missing equine and both he and Moiraine mourned the horse for his loss's effect on her.

When Moiraine finally laid down, the Warder hoped she'd entice the young redhead with her. He'd felt things for the young woman he knew were really Moiraine's things. Just as he was sure she felt his growing fondness for the young Wisdom. But Secily took to the other side of their little island and watched over the kids while the Warder warded his Sedai.

Egwene suddenly sat up, calling, "Rand. Rand. Did you..."

The young redhead sat up, mumbling, "What is it?"

Egwene stood and a tall shaped beast jumped in front of them. The young channeler flinched, covering her face, and Rand held her protectively, shouting, "No!"

Both screamed as Secily landed a blow with her emerald hilted sword and silver tendrils left the shying couple, shoving the creature over the railing.

Lan raced over to the railing, shouting, "Get back!"

Moiraine was up a moment after and in the corner where the Trolloc appeared.

Loial hovered near the Guiding Stone still. "A Trolloc in the Ways. That should be impossible."

Lan turned back to them. "Explains how they reached the Two Rivers undetected."

"And what happened to the Guiding," Moiraine added.

Perrin looked around, his super senses kicking back into gear. "Did it just get a lot colder in here?"

"Oh, dear," the Ogier commented... uselessly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to channel!" Egwene babbled.

Nynaeve turned to the Sedai, the Ogier, and the amateur channeler between them. "What is Machin Shin?"

The amateur spoke up, her eyes jetting side to side as her brain translated. "Old Tongue for Black Wind." Simple but efficient. Very Secily.

"What exactly is Black Wind?" asked the slightly stiffer Wisdom.

"Machin Shin will speak to you," Moiraine explained. "Do not listen," she urged.

Lan gritted his teeth out into the blackness. "We'll never make it to our Waygate. How far are we from the Gate to Fal Dara?"

Loial shook his head. "It's closer, but I don't..."

Moiraine cut him off, again impatient. But, at least now, she had real reason to be. "Take us there," she urged.

"Go!" Lan ordered.

Moiraine took a torch, following behind the Ogier. She paused to buy him a head start and unnecessarily encourage, "Quickly!"

They huffed as they ran down a pathway, Lan taking up the rear.

Every time they took a turn, Moiraine called out to guide them with her voice. "This way! Come on! Quickly!"

The wind began to screech and they found another island, across another narrow bridge.

"The Waygate is up ahead," Loial called, his deep voice carrying.

The wind continued to scream as it lunged for them, some tangible blackness slopping around. The torches went out and Moiraine stood between two structures, another Waygate. She started activating it and the wind began to scream their worst thoughts back at them.

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