Wisdom Aid

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The sun had once again risen when Secily returned with firewood and an untelling pouch. She saw Nynaeve and dropped the logs. She ran up to the bound woman and held her face. She stared in awe, taking her in before removing the gag. "Nynaeve! What're you-?"

At the same time, Nynaeve started saying the redhead's name.

"Get back from her," came Lan's order.

Secily turned to face him. "Why is she tied up?" she demanded, reaching for the ties. His sword grazed her neck, making her stiffen and watch him carefully. "You won't because she wouldn't. She needs something from me, to know if yes I am or no I'm not, and you can't kill me until she knows."

Lan pulled his sword back and picked the girl up by her arm.


"Let go of her!" Nynaeve barked.

Concerned at the aggression in the Wisdom's voice, Secily looked up at her. "I just established he won't hurt me."

"You established he won't kill me," Nynaeve commented.

Secily shook her head. "No, he can't take care of her and keep track of both of us. He needs me on his side, helping Moiraine. You're a healer!" she exclaimed, jumping in the seat Lan had placed her in. She sat beside the sleeping Sedai.

"Why would I help her?" Nynaeve asked coldly.

Secily examined the air, confused. Her forehead creased. "Because she needs it. And you are not cruel."

Nynaeve looked at Lan. "If I help her, she best give me the answers I want."

Lan slowly walked over to her, looming once close enough. "Are you really in a position to be making demands?"

Nynaeve looked up arrogantly. "It's not a demand, it's a threat." Secily covered her smile behind Lan's back. "She's gonna die without treatment." That dropped her smile. "You know that. I don't see another Wisdom around here. Do you?"

Lan took a sharp breath in, raising his chin. His eyes bored into Secily who would meet them.

"Secily is brilliant at knowing what helps a person, but I'm trained," Nynaeve continued to convince.

With a sigh, the Warder cut her loose, turning to face Secily. "Stay with her," he ordered, pointing with his finger in her face.

Secily glared at it before moving forward, going to bite.

He reacted well, pulling back in ample time. He glared before following the Wisdom into the woods.


Nynaeve knelt beside Moiraine, grinding what she needed in a small, gold colored, metal mortar. She uncovered the woman's wound, leaning into it before pausing, looking at the man. "I've heard about the bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder, that you feel what she feels." It was almost a question, but he gave no answer. "So get ready, because this is going to hurt." She applied some pressure to the side of the wound and Moiraine grunted once, flinching in pain. Green pus leaked from the wound. It was revolting and Secily was sure she'd puke later, but she didn't dare lose this learning moment. Nynaeve tried to soak up as much as she could before scattering the ground poultice into the wound. She covered it and stood, stepping away.

Lan knelt beside the woman once more, fretting like a mother.

Nynaeve looked on in sympathy. Helplessness, she understood in a way. "Now we give it time."


Time passed and little changed. Nynaeve was checking the wound more frequently now, not only concerned, but impatient. She could see from the way Secily was shaking, she was eager to follow the others as well. As she checked the wound again, she finally explained to Lan, "The poison... it's not like anything I've seen before." A small noise drew their attention to her, but Lan looked out, away. "I worry it..." She couldn't finish.

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