Bat Shite Crazy

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The next morning, the ground was illuminated by daylight and it was revealed that several deceased bats covered the ground. Secily was holding one in her hands, wings spread, when the others wandered out, stuck in their own shock. "I didn't hear bats last night," Secily mumbled. "And nothing fell." She looked about. So, where had they come from? Did the Bat Bunny make a little visit for a macabre hunt. Eventually, the Sedai and her Warder came to find the bats trailing all over their campsite to converge in front of the designated children's camp.

Rand woke last, joining the not yet communicating group. "No," he gaped, disbelieving. "How did..."

Egwene looked at him, aghast. "You saw them, too."

"But it was a dream." He stared around before his eyes landed on Moiraine. "Did you do this?" Rand demanded loudly, stepping up to the Aes Sedai. "Did you put this in our dreams?!"

Secily stepped in front of him, hand on his chest. "She never came near you. Not all night, not even after you went outside. I watched. Every second. Assuming proximity is a factor," she commented casually over her shoulder, at the witch, before continuing, "she didn't do this."

Moiraine looked around the group. "Who saw this? Who? All of you? What did you see?"

Mat held a broken piece of kindling in his hand, squatted as he explained, "Bats. Their necks just snapped. Right in midair. Like someone had them in their hands. I could feel the crack."

The brunette looked around insistently. "Was there anyone in your dream? Did anyone speak to you?"

Rand shifted where he stood, anxious and on edge.

"There was a man," Perrin finally answered. "Eyes like embers. He didn't say anything though."

"Why can't you people dream about puppies like regular people?" Secily quipped, exasperated.

Moiraine barely let her finish before delivering a new demand. "If this happens again, you tell me straight away. Dreams have power. More than you know."

Rand stepped forward, his posture dark and threatening. "What does that mean?"

Moiraine tried to breeze through the group. "Come. The horses are rested."

Rand turned as she passed, repeating until he shouted, "No, no, no. No! Where are we going?!"

The Sedai faced him again, explaining briefly, "East. To the river crossing at Whitebridge." She turned to continue the trek.

"And then?" Rand demanded.

Moiraine faced him again. "And then to the White Tower. I've told you this." She was so pale, the flesh around her eyes red with illness, exhaustion, any of the above or beyond.

"And then what?!" he shouted aggressively. Secily flinched. "Why should we trust you?! There's a place for Egwene, maybe. But what does a man do at the White Tower?" Lan helped her onto her horse. "Other than become an errand boy for the Aes Sedai."

Moiraine corrected her horse's reins. "Go where you will then."

Secily clapped her hands together, leaning forward. "Awesome, so I can toddle off back home?" She used her thumbs to point in the direction of Two Rivers.

Rand nodded, pointing at her. "Yeah, will you actually let us?"

"I've run out of patience. And time." She lifted her reins. It almost felt like another challenge. What other choice do you have? Lan called his horse forward as well.

"Sweet!" Secily commented honestly. The woman jerked forward harshly and kicked her horse into gear.

"Well... you got a reaction out of her," Mate commented, looking over at Rand. "Happy?"

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