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"What are you trying to do, Arataki Itto

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"What are you trying to do, Arataki Itto."

Ayato along with his two bodyguards stood in front of the oni who was still holding the lamb in his arms. she fell asleep due to the exhaustion and stress she has been through for the past few days so she fell asleep rather quickly. it also may have seem like she will get a cold later from her slightly wet clothes along with her shivering form.

The rain was now long gone and the sun was peeking through the fading gray clouds. Itto decided to carry her home since he didn't want to disturb from her rest.

But to his dismay, he ran into Ayato with two other Kamisato guards. his pale blue eyes moved towards the sleeping lamb in his arms and furrowed his brows.

"Thank you for finding her since her relatives had a search party for her, but i can take her from now."

As Ayato was about to take the lamb, Itto gripped his hold onto her and held her against his half bare chest.

Stepping back and giving a close eye smile, "it's alright, i can take her since it seems like she's already comfortable in my arms and we both don't want to wake her up. right, my lord?"

The said man just smirked and closed his eyes, calming his behavior before he does anything that can ruin his reputation, "very well. then i shall accompany you, you two may go."

The two guards blinked and hesitated, "b-but my lord-!"

As they were going to refuse since they didn't want to leave the lord with the oni alone, they halted once they saw his piercing pale blue gaze. both guards saluted before walking away with their spear weapon in their hands.

Once they left, Ayato looked back at Itto with his usual smile, "shall we go?"

"My goodness! what happened?!"

(Y/n)'s aunts along with the other relatives came as soon they saw the two gentlemen walking into the Yuki estate.

"Get a blanket and prepare a warm bath." which made the servants immediately rush to do their duty.

Itto could only stand there awkwardly since he never properly met these people, the only relatives he was acquainted to was (Y/n)'s grandparents.

"Who might you be?" one of her uncle asked while giving him a suspicious stare.

The oni smiled while still holding a sleeping (Y/n), "my name is Arataki Itto from the Arataki gang as well as a friend with lamb here!"

Some of the female aunts and cousins swoon over his bright handsome smile. they could easily tell he was a dedicated man that knows when to take things seriously, but also know how to play around.

"I-i would bow in respect, but i don't want to disturb little lamb here."

The relatives just nodded in understanding, "well if you could take her to her room, you can also stay over for dinner if you want."

Before Itto could kindly accept the offer, Ayato cut in the conversation, "i'm sorry for interrupting, but i think sir Itto here needs to go back to his gang. i can take over and take care of lamb."

An irk mark appeared on Itto's head as he gave a strain smile, "are you sure, my lord? since she's already comfortable in my arms, it would make sense for me to tuck her in."

Ayato too gave a strain forced smile, "oh, but i am her fiancé and future husband so it would make sense for me to take care of her."

From the two, there was a lightning between the two. both obviously trying to contain their pride and not backing down from one another. the Yuki relatives could only stand in the back and watch in amusement.

"Well you see, if you cared about your fiance's sleep, then you should let me take her to her room." said Itto while pulling (Y/n)'s sleeping form closer to his chest.

"No, but i insist, i just know your arms are probably tired from carrying her around. let me help you." Ayato was about to grab the lamb only to nearly trip as Itto playfully stepped back.

"I see how it is." the Kamisato lord and the oni continue to bicker like children fighting for the last toy.

"Seems like (Y/n)- sama is stuck in a love triangle!"
"Shush child, you know our dear (Y/n) is in an arrange marriage."
"I don't know auntie, i like this other guy."
"Oh? but lord Ayato isn't so bad either."

It was a funny sight for others as they watched the lord and the oni playfully arguing. not one backing down since they didn't want to look weak in front of (Y/n)'s family.

That is until footsteps were made from the inside. stepping out, "what is going on here?"

The current head of the clan as well as (Y/n)'s grandfather looked around only to see his family and two other gentlemen with a sleeping (Y/n).

"Whatever disrupt my meeting must have a good explanation."

a/n: ah yes, we will soon go deeper into the love triangle that is slowly forming between Ayato, Itto, and of course our lamb. there will also be another rival who will fall in love with Itto which will make our lamb question her feelings. 👀
i'm sorry for not writing enough in this chapter or in details since college is taking most of my time away 🥲 i promise i will approve in the future, so please bare with me :)

Question: rate this chapter please! what's your current main team? mine is Ganyu, Thoma, Zhongli, & Raiden shogun, but i sometimes switch Thoma with Kazuha.

(not edited)

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