New Girl (Stiles)

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(Y/N) was walking through the hallways looking for her locker. Everyone was talking with friends and laughing. It's her 3rd day in school so she is still getting used to everything. Of course she was forced to change schools in the middle of the year and this is not how she expected her junior year to be. She never expected to be in a new school, with no friends and already having trouble in class.

"Watch it!" Someone yelled as they ran down the hall.

"Sorry." (Y/N) whispered.

She wasn't always shy, but now knowing no one, she was scared. She saw this guy, who was really attractive, walking down the hallway with his friend.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran into someone, causing her books to fly all over the place.

"Watch where your going!" Some girl yelled.

(Y/N) dropped down to pick up her papers, tears coming to her eyes. Someone else started to help her. She looked up and was face to face with the boy she was staring at before she ran into the girl.

"People are so rude." He smiled.

"Yeah." (Y/N) whispered as she moved her hair behind her ear.

"You're (Y/N) right? I'm Stiles. You're in my forensics class." Stiles said as he handed her the papers.

"Oh yeah." She said, looking down at the floor.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked.

(Y/N) wiped her eyes, trying not to show that she was crying.

"Thanks." She said gathering the rest of the papers. "I gotta go." 

(Y/N) got up and walked away quickly.

"I thought we could walk to forensics together." Stiles whispered.

Stiles walked to forensics but didn't see (Y/N). 

"Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?" Stiles asked his friend Scott.

"The new girl that you think is hot?" Scott smiled.

"Someone knocked her down in the hallways and I tried to help her and she was so shy and I think she was crying. I want to know if she's okay." Stiles said.

"Alright class. Today I will be giving you your rubric for your final project for the semester." Mr. Jones said.

(Y/N) ran into the class. 

"Miss (Y/L/N) you are 10 minutes late to class. I will let it go this one time because you are new here but don't let it happen again." Mr. Jones said.

She ran to her seat and covered her face.

"Anyway, about this project. I am going to give you 10 suspects and a crime scene. You need to figure out who committed the crime with evidence and pictures of how you came up with the suspect's motive." Mr. Jones explained. 

"Can we work in groups?" Scott asked.

"2 per group. Stiles and Scott like usual?" Mr. Jones asked.

"Actually." Stiles said. "Can I work with (Y/N)?"

Scott looked at Stiles and winked. Stiles gave him the thumbs up but stopped when (Y/N) turned around.

"Hey partner." He smiled.

The bell rang and the day was over. 

"Hey (Y/N) wanna come over tonight to start our project?" Stiles asked.

"Um, sure." She whispered.

"Can I have your number so I can text you my address?" 

"Yeah." She said and then recited her number.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now