Pegasus in the crystal

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

The crystal empire was full of life and sunshine. And a pink alicorn mare was taking a walk around the castle, after a while Cadence started to get curious and started walking around the castle looking to unravel the mysteries of the place, maybe some secret rooms or hidden passages just waiting to be found. Cadence believed that there were secrets in that castle ready to be found, she had a feeling that there was something hidden somewhere in that gigantic palace, maybe even something hidden and guarded by King Sombra, as was the case with the Crystal Heart.

After walking for a while Cadence returned to the throne room looking thoughtful. She remembered how Twilight said she found the Crystal Heart, if Cadence remembers correctly Twilight told her that she had opened a secret passage by using dark magic on a crystal at the top of the throne, in doing so an opening opened up revealing several stairs.

Cadence started to think and had an idea, maybe Sombra could be keeping something there besides the Crystal Heart, at least it wouldn't hurt to take a look. Cadence then walked over to the throne and stopped in front of it.

Princess Cadence: It doesn't hurt to try.

Cadence then ignited his horn and focused his magic so that it turned black just like King Sombra. Gradually Cadence's magic took on a purple and green color as black threads of black magic covered his horn. Cadence's eyes went full green as purple threads of magic shot out of him like flames.

Cadence then shot a magical beam at the crystal that was on top of the throne, the crystal turned black when hit but instead of a secret passage opening in front of the throne something else happened. The crystal throne darkened as if a shadow was over it and then it began to shake and slowly moved to the left thus revealing an opening behind the throne, a secret passage to the unknown.

Cadence walked cautiously to the opening and entered it through a long corridor, as she walked Cadence felt her hoof sink into the ground, she looked down to realize that she had stepped on a button on the floor, a trap. Several holes appeared in the walls, ceiling and floor of the hallway, Cadence barely had time to react when several arrows came out of the holes at high speed, there was nowhere to run, arrows came out from everywhere, Cadence then flashed his horn to create a shield around itself.

The shield was withstanding the onslaught of arrows, seeing this Cadence then started to walk but stopped when he heard another noise. The walls of the hallway Cadence had already passed began to close in, crushing whatever was between them, Cadence began to run to the end of the hallway as the walls closed in behind her. The mare narrowly missed being crushed as she jumped out of the hall.

Cadence then got up to see that he was now in a large room, on the walls of the place there were crystal chains that protruded from the wall and connected to a large glowing blue crystal. Cadence then noticed that there seemed to be something in the crystal like a figure. She walked towards the crystal but suddenly the ground lowered from her gave way to reveal a great endless pit, Cadence then flapped her wings to fly out of the pit and land already close to the great crystal. Cadence then turned around to see the great chasm before sighing in relief.

Princess Cadence: That was close.

Cadence turned and walked to the crystal and approached it trying to see what that figure was but the dust on the crystal prevented her from seeing the figure, she then used her hoof to rub the crystal and remove the dust and what she saw following left her with her mouth open. A young Pegasus sealed in the crystal.

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