Chapter 1: Magical Acquaintances

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Espresso sat down on his bed, shocked at the circumstances. But would he show the others his fear? No, he was not going to. He was just confused. How did they get there? Who are these people? Who is in control of this?!
"Hmph, I'm not taking this seriously. This is clearly some unfunny joke." He thought to himself. So he just did some coffee magic. But then he heard a knock at his door so he went over to answer.
"Excuse me, Espresso? You know coffee magic right?" Asked Cream Puff, wand in hand.
"Hmm, yes. You like the aroma?"
"I was wondering if you could teach me? It seems strong, and I wanna learn magic to impress Miss Latte!"
"So that's why you came here? Alright then, I can show you." He said, pulling out a book. "You can use this to learn. Some of the spells are very strong, so please be careful."
"I will! Thank you, Espresso! I'll return it in an hour!" She said, leaving the room and going down the hall.
"Ah, so nice to teach new cookies about coffee magic. Coffee truly is a blessing." He whispered, softly laughing. He then remembered: He was in a killing game.
"Ugh, why are they still trying to prank us? It's not funny." He thought he could try to break down the door. So he went down.
"ESCAPE THIS!" He yelled, making a coffee explosion. But...
The door was still there.
He sighed and walked away, looking for other cookies. But he heard a sizzling noise. He went to look for the main source and saw Alchemist!
"What are you brewing?"
"I'm trying to make acid to I can break that door down. And poison, just to see if that'll work."
"They won't. Not even magic can break it."
"You sound just like my rival. And I hate him." She said, trying to add apple juice. It poured in, so she put it back in the fridge. Espresso knew she couldn't open it with a potion, so he walked away. He found himself getting bored of the others, so he went to someone that he found interesting.
"Greetings, Blackberry."
"Hello." She responded, reading a book whilst sitting next to her candle.
"Do you thing we could burn-"
"I've tried. Doesn't work."
"Oh. Well not even magic can open it."
"So what book is that?"
"Just a book about self defence. Can't have anyone trying to slaughter me, can I? My employer would never get over my death."
"Employer? What are you?"
"Retainer, maid, pretty much anything he says."
"I see. Well, I must get going." He said, walking away. He didn't feel like associating with anyone else. But as he went up, he saw a bar. And some others. He didn't like many drinks, but he went over anyway.
"Ah, hey Espresso!" Said Sparkling.
"Yes, hello."
"I'm just making some fruit punch for Lilac and Fig here. Want anything? I have cappuccinos!"
"Hmm, alright then."
(He sat down and waited, being served very quickly.)
"Mmm, this tastes amazing. Thank you!"
"No problem! How are your drinks?"
"It tas'es lovley!" Said Fig in a Scottish accent.
"Tastes nice." Said Lilac.
"Awesome! I hope you enjoy your drinks, I'll be here all night!"
"Are you sure? You'll need sleep, right?" Asked Lilac. Sparkling shook his head.
"I'll be fine! I'm used to it."
"Well, goodbye then. Said Espresso, walking away. But he was stopped by Cream Puff.
"Here's your book back! I showed Miss Latte!"
"And did she like the spells?"
"Yeah! She loved them! And they're really strong!" She said, walking away. Espresso smiled. Now someone knew how amazing coffee magic was! He got a bit tired and was going to go inside his room, but a loud ring was heard.
"Everyone make your way to the gym!" Yelled Jellykuma.
Espresso was annoyed, but went down. And there was the others.
"Hello everyone! Let's do a head count! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20?! THAT'S UNEXPECTED! I THOUGHT FOR SURE SOMEONE WOULD BE DEAD!"
"Yeah, in your dreams!" Yelled Carrot. He sighed and pulled out a key.
"Remember guys! You're fighting to leave! You want that, right?!" Everyone was about to yell, but they thought about it. Freedom... Getting away with murder... It sounds good... BUT THEY CANNOT TAKE AWAY AN INNOCENT COOKIE'S LIFE!
"We refuse!" Yelled Latte.
"Yeah! We cannot!" Said Mint Choco.
"Well how about this- FORGET ANOUT THE OTHERS!" Yelled Jellykuma, storming away.
"Ugh, nuisance." Muttered Espresso, leaving the room. He was tired and just wanted sleep. Even if it was optional, he just wanted to escape the others. So he went to bed, but couldn't sleep. Of course, he never sleeps. So he stayed in bed. Heard some noises, but ignored them completely. Just stayed there.
Waiting for the day to end.

Cookieronpa: Death Doughحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن