Chapter 61

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Today's the day my brother is getting married!! The morning will be long. I have to leave at 12:30 and go to Liz's house. We are going out to lunch then going to the country club to get things step up then we are going to the church and getting ready.

"Jimmy wake up," I said, he had his arm on me and we needed to get up. Jimmy had to leave and go to Matts house.

"No five more minutes," he said and pulled me closer.

"Jimmy I have to leave at 12:30 and you are dropping me off at Liz's house then going to Matts,"

"Please," he begged.

"Fine but if we are late, it your fault," I said and we cuddled for five minutes then got up and got ready.

Right now we were at rapids and we just got our food.

"Liz I bet your excited," I said, the whole time he couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"Yea I'm super excited," she said.

"So the next wedding we go to will be Jimmy and Jaimie," Taylor said, I blushed.

"Maybe," I said.
I was standing with Jimmy, waiting for the wedding to start. When it was our turn we walked down.

Liz was about to walk down. I can't believe all my friends are married, I hope Jimmy and I get married.

After the mass, we headed to the reception. Jimmy and I danced as well as me and the girls, and sometimes the boys would join but they spent most of their time at the bar.

When I got home I got in the shower and went straight to bed.
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