Chapter 38

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1 month later we were all hanging out at Danny's house. Jimmy hasn't come yet so it's just Alex, Liz, Sam, Taylor, Neil, Matt, Antoine, Danny and Max was here as well. Don't get me wrong Max is a great guy but he's just a friend. Besides he's got a girlfriend.

"Hey guys," Jimmy said when he walked in. The blonde was with him.

"This is my girlfriend Molly," Jimmy said and introduced everyone. I really can't believe that he's over me, I really thought we could get over this. I don't know if I'm ready to forgive him but I I thought we would talk about it.

"Jimmy this is my friend Max, Max this is Jimmy," I said.

Once everyone said their hellos we got in our cars and drove off to the movies.


Jimmy and Molly were all lovey And cuddling and kiss, I miss Jimmy. I love him it felt like my heart was being ripped out for my chest and stepped all over. I can't stand to see this. Max and I were driving home and I think he knew something was up.

"Jaimie are you okay, was it Jimmy and Molly," he asked.

"Yea I love him so much and it hurt to see him with some else," I said.

"Well maybe you need a boyfriend to help you get over him, my friend Conner has been asking me if I would set him up on a date," he said.

"I don't know," I said.

"Come one you will love him," he said.

"Fine I'll give him a shot," I said. I don't want someone else I want Jimmy. Yea he broke my heart, but seeing him with Molly I realized how much I love him, and how I want to work past this. I don't know why we even broke up, yea I know at the time he was in England but he was the one that wouldn't talk to me.


I had just gotten back from my date with Conner. He was a nice guy, but it felt weird. I felt like I was cheating on Jimmy, it felt wrong.

I decided that maybe I should date him and I'll get use to it. That's what Max told me to do so we were hanging out tomorrow with Max and his girlfriend.

I still love Jimmy, I'm pretty sure I always will. I thought what we had was great, he was the best boyfriend I've had. Now we barley talk, just like when his ex girlfriend Lexi told him I was being mean to her and he just stopped talking. I miss my best friend, but I mostly miss being his girlfriend.

I went upstairs and got in the shower. Then just as I was about to get into bed someone knocked on my door.

I ran downstairs and looked through the peephole. It was Max, I opened the door and let him in.

"Max what are you doing here," I said.

"Um I left my key inside my apartment can I have your key," he asked.

"Yea," I said going to get my keys and give him the extra key he gave me.

"Thanks," he said and we walked down the hall. Once he opened the door he gave me back my keys and we said goodnight. I went home and got right into bed and went to sleep.

Thank you so much for reading hope you like it. :)
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