Chapter 46

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(Alex's p.o.v durning the wedding)
I was nervous. I was about to walk down the aisle and marry the love of my life. I started to walk down the aisle. I couldn't stop smiling.

Antoine was about to say his vows

"Alex I have loved you since we were 18, when we meet. You are the pretties girl I've met and you make my life complete. With out you I wouldn't be this happy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and see what the future holds for us, I love you," he said.

It was my turn now.

"Antoine I love you so much I can't even describe it. I as well can't wait for the future ahead of us. I must be the luckiest person in the world to have you as my boyfriend, I don't know what I would do without you" I said.

After the mass we went to the reception. Jaimie was about to give her speech.

"Alex and I have been friends forever, and I've never seen her this happy. You guys are the prefect couple, I have never seen two people love each other as much as these two love each other," she said other things but I zoned out wondering why her and Jimmy aren't together. They were the happiest couple. It was now Jimmy's turn.

"I've known these two for a long time and they are so prefect for each other I can't wait for what the future holds for these two. I want to thank these two because they introduced me to the love of my life, and I broke her heart because I was stupid. After a year of me and the love of my life being together I had to move to London for a little. I could stand being away from her for a long time so I broke it off. When I came home I saw here with her friend but thought she had moved on. I then started dating a girl who wasn't that nice, well I found that out later, see once my and the love of my life were back to being friends this the girl said I couldn't see her anymore, and I didn't see the love of my life. It was a living hell I hated it. The time that me and the love of my life aren't to together my heart feels empty. That se why I want to make things right, so Jaimie will you please be my girlfriend again, I promise this time I won't break your heart because I love you,"he said.

"Yes," she said. I cheered, they were the best couple ever, they were happy when they were dating. After I was done eating it was time for the first dance. Antoine and I stepped onto the dance floor.

"By the way I'm the luckiest person in the world because I have the prettiest wife ever," he whispered in my ear.

"No I am," I said.

"How about your the luckiest girl and I'm the luckiest boy," he said.

"I guess," I joked.

We kept dancing and I noticed they played another slow song and Jaimie and Jimmy were dancing too. I'm glad they are back together.

It was the best night ever. I never thought my wedding would be this great.

"Ready to go home babe," Antoine asked.

"Yea I'm tired," I said.

"Did you have fun," Antoine asked when we got back to the house.

"It was amazing did you have fun,"

"Oh yes great night," he replied.

When we got home I went upstairs to shower. When I got out I got dressed and went into the bedroom. Antoine was in bed on his phone. When I went to look he pulled his phone away.

"What was on there" I asked.

"Go look at twitter," he replied. I looked to see he had tweeted.

Antoine: I can now call the love of my life my wife love you babe tonight was fun.

I tweeted back and said: I had a great time with my husband<3
We got in bed and feel right asleep.

How was it?
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