The Gang Bang

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           The gang all looks at scrappy with utter disbelief. "Zoinks man" shaggy says with malicious intent. The gang all looks at each other with the same idea. Fred as the leader of the group comes out and says, " you ready for a blast" he chuckles manically.
Daphne and Velma get the same signal to take out there 10 inch magnum dildos.
Scrappy then screeches out" Please don't do this!" With a jolt of fury, all of scrappy's holes were filled like cream filled doughnuts. Velma grabs Scrappys ginormous cock, wondering what she could do next. She then yanks a rusty pole nearby. With one horrid look scrappy then understands what's about to happen. Flailing around looking for a way out he realizes he is surrounded. As the gang circles him they says with insidious intent,"THERE IS NO ESCAPE". 
With one sweeping move Velma imbeds the pole into his shaft. Scrappy with w hailing moan pleads for his existence. Velma moves the pole up and down like loading a musket. The gang shoved all of their dicks and dildos into Scrappys ass hole widening it more then it could possibly ever before. The gang pulls out to cum on Scrappys face making a seaman tsunami. After the sea of man hit Scrappys face for the fifth time a single hand raises from the murky waters.
With the death rattle of Scrappys final breath he whispers," You'll pay for this you medaling kids! And your little dog too". A distance siren coming ever so close, Shaggy and the gang look at each other with the satisfaction of a job well done. They begin to do  the "Yankee doodle". With a final joyful thrust they turn to the door, That is opening slowly to red and blue flashes of light. Shaggy wakes in panic. Realizing that his used heroine needle still in his arm. The police open the door to a horrific scene of blood, sweat and seaman. Shaggy stumbles out the van looks up and sees a Florescent Scooby as he says," Shaggy you have to let us go... it's been five years...". Shaggy runs into the woods to try and hide from the police. He shuffles around in his pockets to see if he has any contraband. A bag of black tar heroine stares back at him. Within seconds The police take him the station for the position of drugs he didn't own.

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