Chapter 6: Infiltration Plan

Start from the beginning

Mikasa sat on one of the chairs in the living room, legs crossed under her as she thought about the plan that (Y/N) had stated. She seemed skeptical and maybe she had good reason. Mikasa and (Y/N) weren't very close. (Y/N) had heard of Mikasa's strength and admired it, yet she hadn't gotten a chance to be friends with the girl.

"Anyone would speak with a gun to their head," (Y/N) explained. "The lab is located towards the back of the castle. We'll scale the building and break in through one of the windows. There are no guards floating around in the sky. They won't see us."

"Hm," Mikasa's fingers traced the bag that (Y/N) had tossed her way. The three of the were supposed to leave the undercity soon. "And Levi approves of this?"

"He does. He's the watcher in our plan. Once we're in the lab, he'll keep watch by the door to alert us of any guards. Your job is to detain Hange and prevent them from calling out for help."

"What if Hange is not in the lab and someone else is?" Mikasa asked.

(Y/N) inhaled softly. The entire plan rode on Hange being present in the lab. Kenny had told her that Hange practically lived in their lab, refusing to leave due to their obsession with experimenting. Hopefully, they'd be there. "Hange will be there. Kenny told me that they spent all of their time in the lab."

"Are you two ready?" Levi walked in, dressed in black cargo pants and shirt. His outfit mimicked (Y/N) and Mikasa's. (Y/N) could spot the outline of a gun in one of his pockets and a knife in the other. She shivered. She would never, ever want to be on the receiving end of Levi's anger.

(Y/N) nodded, reaching down to adjust the holster that was wrapped around her leg. The oversized hoodie she wore kept it hidden, but it was reassuring to know that she had a weapon mere inches away from her fingertips. She felt nervous but at the same time, she felt ready. The fire of determination blazed within her and she was ready to find the answers to questions she had harbored within her.

"Remember, if you need help, call for me," Levi reminded her.

"I won't," (Y/N) leveled her gaze with his. "I'm strong enough to handle this on my own. I really do appreciate you coming, but I don't need to be coddled. I'll be fine."

Levi nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know."

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" (Y/N) motioned towards the door.


The last time that (Y/N) had been near the topside was during her last raid with Sasha, Connie, and Jean. Jean. She wondered how he was doing. She wished that he was fine. The castle loomed in the distance and (Y/N) looked at all of the nearby buildings, the echoes of Sasha's pleas for a pastry filling her memory. The city was golden, bursting with prosperity.

Except this time, (Y/N) didn't feel the same emotions as she did last time. This time, she didn't wish that she lived in the topside. She didn't wish for a life of blissful ignorance, a life where someone didn't know about all the lives that the topside was taking. The roads were bustling with life, civilians going about their daily routines. She observed them all, wondering if these people knew about how people in the undercity were being poisoned by a drug that someone from the topside had created. But then again, would these people even care? To them the undercity was a dangerous nuisance.

"Let's go through here," Levi motioned towards an alleyway. It had been a while since he'd been up topside too, and he appeared a little on edge. Mikasa nodded and followed him through the maze of streets, (Y/N) following close behind.

The trek to the castle was a long one. Dodging the Sina Guard took up most of their time. The guards were everywhere. At pastry shops, at boutiques, they were at residential neighborhoods...did people really feel at ease with the guards' presence? It made (Y/N) feel more uncomfortable.

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