Chapter 5

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Let's resume the story..


Sid's dad aware of angel already and afraid of her. He don't know what to do. Immediately he called to someone.

His dad : helo.. can you please meet me in guest house?

Other side : ......

His dad : I can't say it over the phone .. I will say it when I meet you..

Other side : ......

His dad : thanks... I'll meet you there..

His dad disconnects the call and went somewhere by car. In Mia and Sid's place, They're coming to the palace... They are near at the palace but they noticed that Krish, kate and josh are standing outside the palace..

Sid : hey josh...

Josh : hey.. here he came..

Mia : why you guys are standing outside??

Krish : house cleaning..

Sid : ohhhh.... How? If you see the house from outside, it Will get clean automatically?

Josh : see that...

Josh points on the palace. Sid and mia looking at palace, there is more than 15 members are involving in cleaning process of palace..

Sid : hey.. who are they? Did you sold it Krish?

Krish : hey idiot... No one will buy this rusty palace of yours....i have better taste bro..

Sid : yes.. i know... You have better taste like lying down under banyan tree in a rope cot and having water+rice+green chilli.. 🤣🤣...

On hearing that krish can't able to control nausea, because he weakness is one day old rice.. Sid already known that often he remember this to irritate him..

Kate : you deserved it, Krish. Always you are giving him chance to break your nose..

Mia : that's why he's my brother.. so tell me, who are they??

Kate : workers sent by you..

Mia : me??

Krish : yes, they told that they're coming from village to help us to clean the palace..

Sid : ohhh... May be that oldman sent those workers.... We asked for help, right?

Mia : may be..

Sid : ok come on.. let's help them..

Krish stopped them and told that they told to stay out of palace till they finished cleaning. Sid and Mia confused but they accepted it..

Josh : sid.. they gave power supply to palace..

Sid : sounds great..

suddenly, sid having an idea about something.

Sid : Krish.. i think here in some distance there is a base station, can you repair it?

Krish : something happened to him.. since he got that injury he's doing something like this..

Mia : hey.. don't blather... That village is having tower which is working upto 0.5km distance....

Josh : really.... But we didn't saw any base station here..

Sid : but i saw last night.. that side..

Krish : ok sid.. we need power to operate that..

Sid : i think it has power because i saw a indicator light.. so there's nothing difficult to us... We can't live here without communication with outside..

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