Chapter | 6

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-JULY 4 2021

It's, 3pm in the afternoon right now and I'm getting dressed for me and Mina's night out together. I choose a cropped sky blue cardigan matched with a plain white short skirt.


Time to do my make up, don't take me long tho because I only did it lightly. My style is natural and soft rather than dark and harsh makeup styles.

After preparing I got out of the house and waited outside to wait for Minari. Grandma is not at home because she's out doing groceries with two other maids and I already told her where I'm going so she wouldn't get worried. The driver and a few other maids are still in the house tho so it's not really left empty.

A few minutes later a loud honk got my attention. I looked to my right and saw Minari in her red convertible waving for me to come over.

Why can't she just drive up to the front of the house. Ugh this girl. I walked up towards her car and imedietly got in and she hurriedly drove away.

"Why can't you just drive up to the front of my house? " I raised an eyebrow at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Where's the fun in that?" She asked and chuckled. I love her but sometimes she can be a but of a meany. She's a good friend tho, she's been there with me since senior high.

||at the mall||

"This is so good!" I claimed pointing to the caramelized popcorn in front of me while Mina chickled at me and I took another piece to eat.

Minari and I are sitting on one of the mini tables they have at the mall after about 3 hours of none stop shopping, we got tired and hungry so we bought some food and lucky enough this spot is not so far away from the food court and the arcade where we plan on going next.

"So... How are you and Jeonghwa?" Mina suddenly asked and the smile on my face quickly faltered. I let out a sigh after I finished chewing the food in my mouth.

"We... We're doing good. Nothing new. " Forcing a smile is one of my specialties since I was young. Forcing my self to think and believe that me and my fiance's relationship is doing fine tho, is what I'm working on right now.

Mina raised an eyebrow as if to say "You know I'm not dumb right? ". I groaned at the fact that she knows me too well.

"Okay! I admit, it's been a little rocky lately..." I defended, under rating the situation. She doesn't need to know... She's been worrying for me and listening to my problems since we we're 18 and I think she needs a break from my problematic life.

"You're lying. " she said in monotone and took a sip in her bobba. "How'd she know?!!" Is what I should say right now but I already know why so I have no choice but to once again  defend me.

"No I'm not." I huffed, looking away and stuffing some more popcorn in my mouth. Why the heck are they so good?!!

"But you're not telling the whole truth either." She said with a smug smile, I think she's a little too proud that she knows me this much.

DOWNFALLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora