Chapter | 4

840 34 3


- JULY 2 2021

"Darn... finaly end of another day!"
Sana groaned stretching her arms out and then bending her knees. I couldn't help but laugh at her sillyness.

I got back into stuffing my items into my bag also preparing to go home. Our shift just ended and its time to go home and leave work and then go back tomorrow.

Once I finished I ushered Sana to now leave and then we got out of the shop and she assisted me in closing and locking the shop.

It's only me and her closing right now because Dahyun had to leave early due to her aunt needing a bit of help. Her aunt also owns the cofee shop so she doesn't need to worry about permission from the boss.

The new recruit just helped out with cleaning and left a few minutes earlier because its her and Dahyun who will be closing the shop together in the following week.

"c'mon let's go!" Sana cheared making me raise an eyebrow. I was about to ask what she means by that but she quickly grabbed my hand and beggan dragging me away.

"YAH! Sana! where are we going?!"
Girl din't even bother to look back and just continued running and running with me being dragged along.

Sometimes I question why the heck is she like this?! Always hyper and ready to run a mile while I'm the opposite, being more collected and uses less energy. She really needs to stop eating too much sugar.

What can I do though she's still my bestfriens and I wouldn't want her any other way.

"oh shoot! I forgot something at the front of the shop!" She suddenly stopped a few minutes later, making me bump right on her back. For goodness sake!

"Be right back!" She yelled running back in the direction of the the coffé we work at. Her figure getting smaller and smaller because. of the distance.

I look at my surroundings only to find that I'm infront of a really tall building. When I say tall. It's litteraly up to 14 floors. I think. It looks so pretty. Looks pretty expensive too if I might add.

I've never seen this building here before. I was too deep in my thoughts that I din't notice the tall building's doors slid open and the person who got out from it suddenly bumped into me making stumble and that person fell on their butt.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!!" I instantly felt bad and bend over giving her my hand to take and help her get up. She took it and I ever so gently helped her up. I noticed just how soft her hand was. It feels like I'm holding a fluff of cloud that could easily disappear if I held it too tightly.

"I'm very sorry! please forgive me."
I appologized bowing my head repetedly as a symbol of apology and for her to know I really felt bad.

"It's okay. Its just a little accident."
A soft and gentle voice replied. I looked up to see tender brown eyes that anyone can fall for. I mean who wouldn't this girl looks absolutely gorgeous.

I'm not gay though. :/

Felt like I've seen her somewhere before. I just don't know where. I couldn't recall where for a few seconds but then I realized she was the girl that ordered this morning. Without her that jerk would still be annoying the shit out of me right now.

"uhmm... I...I gotta go now." She awkwardly excused her self and beggan hurrying away and into the backseat of a black car that quickly left.

I heared loud footsteps and Sana appeared right beside me panting har and trying to catch her breath.

"Yah! I got my bag now let's go!...Jennie? What happened?" I just stood there frozen and looking completely stupid.

AN HOUR LATER|at the apartment

I opened my appartment door only to see my boyfriend sitting at the living room couch and watching TV. I took off my shoes and put them in the rack and changed into my fuzzy slippers.

I walked towards our small tavle and placed my small bag there and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge taking a drink. I din't expect any kind of greet from Dong-hyun so I was about to head strait to the bedroom and change.

"Why are you late? Where have you been?" He asked still not taking his gaze from the TV to even look at me. I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

"I was just with Sana we went to the night market and ate." I replied in a monotone with a sigh rubbing my temples from all the tiring time I had at work.

"Really?" Dong-hyun turned off the TV and got up. His heavy footsteps echoed as he walks towards my tired figure.

"Yes." I shortly replied and I was about to go to the bedroom so I could finaly changed but her harshly pulled me by the arm and made me face him.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME JENNIE!!" His voice raised as he screamed right on my face. His face red and angered. I was scared because he never did this before.

"S-stop! I'm not l-lying!!" Almost begging, I tried to take my arm away from him. His grip was hurting me and it feels like the circulation in my left arm just stopped.

Unexpectedly he slapped me on right cheek harshly making me turn my head. It stinged. A whole lot. I couldn't bring myself to look up at him because tears were beggining to pour from my eyes.

My gaze from the wooden floor was quickly changed to the ceiling when he suddenly pulled my hair. He held it so tighly that it felt like my scalp was getting ripped off.

"You think I'm stupid huh?! I KNOW THAT YOUR CHEATING!!" I brought my hand to his that is pulling my hair
to maybe make him let go but it was helpless because he just wouldn't budge.

"Let me tell you somethi'n, Jennie..." Dong-hyun whispered to my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and not in a good way. I felt nothing but fear. Just straight up fear.

"Cheaters gets...killed." My eyes widden from what he just said and I had no time left to react when he started to badly beat me up.

Punching me in the ribs, hitting me everywhere and slapping me then he finaly threw me to the ground. My body was weak and it felt disassembled, everywhere hurts.


it wasn't enough for him because when I though hell was finaly over he got back from the kitchen with a knife in his hand. Once I saw this I tried to move but it din't work.

Dong-hyun grabbed me by the hair once again forcing me to get up. I whimpered in pain and by the time he got me up I had no time to react when he impailed the kitchen knife in my stomach.

"Die." He said. I groaned in pain as I held the knife when he let me go. Blood was staining my shirt from the side and I can also taste blood in my mouth.

I looked right into his eyes and saw no mercy, regret or even pity. I... I can't believe that the person I love...was this cold blooded of a killer and nothing but a monster.

I fell to the ground and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I lost conciousness. I heared the front door open and heared a few exchange words I can't decipher.

All I know is whoever walked in that door will not be my savior.

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