11. the one with a lot of stuttering

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I was checking my phone and watched the clock turn to ten over eight. Fuck. If Carlos wouldn't show up soon, he was going to be in serious trouble. It meant that I had woken up early for nothing.

It was Monday morning and as always, I was waiting outside for Carlos who should've been here ten minutes ago for our daily run. Finally, the door opened but instead of my Spanish friend I saw Lando.

"Good morning" he said yawning.

"Morning" I told him trying to see if Carlos would show up after him. "Where's Carlos?" I asked him.

"He's not coming" Lando shrugged his shoulders. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that I would be alone with Lando once again. Don't get me wrong I wanted to spent time with him, but at the same time it was making me nervous, like I forgot how to act.

"Oh okay." I managed to answer Lando.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I think you're stuck with me for now" he grinned. "Of course, I can run like ten meters behind you if you don't want to run with me or something" he half joked.

"No, it's fine" I said to him, and we began to walk towards the street.

We ran in silence. I didn't mind. I wasn't really in a mood for a talk anyways, but I felt like Lando wanted to say something but ended up being quiet too.

The whole city of Maranello was one big Ferrari factor and there was something Ferrari related no matter where you went. So, I usually headed out of town. The landscape was somewhat boring, but I had found this little park from right outside of the city. It was five kilometres per way, and we usually jogged there with Carlos and that was where I headed now as well.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss Finland. I loved the forests and lakes and the ocean. I loved hiking up the hills and even though there weren't any mountains, or anything cool in that sense, I had always admired the nature there. Especially now that I was living in a never-ending field of nothing with some mountains little too far away so I couldn't get there without a car.  

"I miss Finland, you know" I opened my mouth after a good twenty minutes and Lando's head snapped at my direction.


"Yeah, I miss the sea and the nature," I put my thoughts in words.

"This isn't really a paradise in that way, I'm guessing?", he stated more than asked.

"Yeah, I mean the whole Ferrari running this city is cool, but I miss being able to walk into a forest like straight from home. I don't even know how long I would have to drive before finding one in here" I sighed.

"I can see that for sure" he agreed. "I don't think it is as nice in England that it is in Finland, but we do have more similar nature there I would say" he added. "I mean a lot of fields, but I guess somehow still a lot greener than here, I think you would like it there" he added and I think the last part slipped out of his mouth unintended.

"Maybe I'll come check it out one day" I smiled him having just invited myself in England.

"I would like that" he smiled too, and we went back to the silence.


The clock was closing ten when I ran out of my apartment and headed to the work. I was going to be so late. The run with Lando had been longer than it should've and now I was running late from work. We had ended up walking and talking the way back to my place. He had told me about McLaren property and that how amazing it was, and I had added it to my 'need to see'-list. Then we had talked about our childhoods and hometowns. It had been nice.

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