Sorting Hat new song

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"Fine," said Harry again. "Well, we - we might see you later, then."

He, Eliza, and Ron took off and Hermione and Rigel headed to the Prefects compartment.

The prefects all made a large circle. Rigel saw a number of students who he knew by face but not by name. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to remember too many new names.

With a lurch, the train started moving. He looked out the window as the train pulled out of the magically concealed station. More people trickled into the room, including one Alicia Spinnet. Rigel blinked at him in surprise as she gave him a smile. Smiling back, he whispered to Hermione, "How long has Alicia been a prefect?"

"Since her fifth year... wait, you seriously didn't know?" Hermione just regarded him with something akin to wonder. "Jeez, Rigel, I used to think that kind of lack of awareness could only be reached by Harry and Ron."

"I never paid attention to prefects before, and she never wore the thing during practice," he defended himself. "Ever."

The last prefects had just entered the room were the Slytherins fifth years and much to Rigel's surprise, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They gave Rigel and Hermione a look of pure loathing to which they returned it.

"A bet you five galleons Snape appointed Draco to piss us off," Rigel whispered to Hermione.

"All right, I think that's everyone," said a voice from the other side of the room. The circle parted slightly, and two more students joined the ring, a boy and a girl. Rigel recognized the boy instantly as Roger Davies while the girl was just vaguely familiar. "Welcome back for another year of perfect duties to the sixth- and seventh years, and welcome new prefects to the fifth years. Congratulations on earning your position."

There was light applause for the fifth-years. Rigel had to suppress a groan. He was being reminded of Percy Weasley more and more.

"Now, to get things started as you probably all know, I'm Roger Davies of Ravenclaw, and I have been appointed Head Boy. And this is Patricia Stimpson of-"

"Gryffindor," said Patricia beside him. She had a round face framed by curly black hair and brown eyes. "And I've been appointed to Head Girl."

"Now, to introduce the new prefects to the rest of you," said Roger, pulling out a roll of parchment. "From Gryffindor, Rigel Black and Hermione Granger. From Hufflepuff, Ernie Macmillan, and Hannah Abbot. From Ravenclaw, Anthony Goldstein, and Padma Patil. And finally from Slytherin, Draco Malfoy, and Pansy Parkinson. Again, welcome." Roger spoke with a smile on his face.

"New or not, I'll explain your duties and your powers as prefects," said Patricia. "First of all, prefects are meant to be role models and general enforcers of the school rules within the houses and castle. If you mistreat your authority then the position can be taken away from you. Your heads of the house all retain the power to demote you at any time, so do your best not to break any rules. Also, Roger and I can report prefects who are not doing their duties properly. If this happens too many times, you will be demoted." She softened a bit, the edge coming out of her voice. "Really, it's not a hard job, and many of the students look up to you not only for guidance and advice but sometimes for security and comfort. Anyone abusing that relationship will not last here."

She spoke those last four words very slowly. Rigel blinked, somewhat taken aback by the steel in her voice. He glanced at Hermione who looked at Patricia approvedly. Rigel just looked back at the Head Girl, smiling slightly.

"Anyway, here are the basic things you new prefects need to know before you go and do something stupid," she continued, now in a conversational tone. "Prefects are allowed to dock a minimum of five points from any house, but you are not allowed to take points from fellow prefects or the headboy and girl. however, you can assign single-day detentions with Filch from any house. If you abuse your power we will know, and you will be dealt with. Fifth-year prefects are also required, as you know, to guide your new house's first-years to your house common room. Be sure to be very clear when telling them about parts of the castle so they don't get as lost as they might without your help on the first day. They will get it eventually, just try not to confuse them. Okay, Roger, tell them about patrols."

Sirius's sonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora