Chapter 58

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"Trouble in paradise?

Hey what's up y'all? I'm Claire Smith back here with Clevver News and today we're gonna try to understand what's going on in Ana Taylor and Eminem's relationship.

Back in May, some dating rumours arose on Twitter after Ana Taylor attended Eminem's concert in London and some photos showed them very cosy in each other's arms! Fast forward to the end of last month, a hacker leaked some photos from Eminem's phone into his Twitter account that showed Ana and him very intimate and the dating rumours were practically confirmed!

Last night though, after Ana's fathers annual masquerade party, the actress went live on IG to chat with some of her followers and everything seemed fine until someone pointed out that every song that Ana was playing in the background had to do with Eminem in some way! Some of the played songs were 'Obsessed' by Mariah Carey, a song about how she and the rapper never met and that accused Eminem of being obsessed with her, 'Can't Hold Us Down' by Christina Aguilera, Xtina confirmed that this feminist anthem was targeted to Slim Shady after he released 'The Real Slim Shady' where he dissed her, 'Exhale' by Vanilla Ice, where the 'Ice Ice Baby' rapper dissed Eminem, just to name a few. After some fans noticed this, one user commented "if you're mad at em and that's why you're playing all these songs, rub your nose" and a few moments later, Ana indeed rubbed her nose!

According to some photos of the party that were posted on social media, Eminem was also at this party with Ana! Did the couple fight and Ana did this live to upset Eminem? Let's wait to see if everything's fine with the two!"

Well, this cannot be good... I said after Lola paused the video about the live I did yesterday.

Did he said something? He must have seen it... Tiger asked me.

No... I dropped Whitney yesterday at his hotel, but I didn't see him... I got up and started pacing around my room.

I was regretting playing those songs on the live and rubbing my nose like one of my followers asked... Looking back at it, it was childish and uncalled for! I don't know what got into me, I was blinded by my anger with Marshall and I just wanted to hurt him like he hurt me with that comment, but I shouldn't have done something so public... He hated being this exposed and I did just that! I feel awful...

You need to talk to him and explain what got into you... Lola advised.

I know but I also know that he won't talk to me, he's too stubborn and I made a dreadful thing... Marshall must hate me right now! I let myself fall on top of my bed making my sisters bounce.

Make him listen then... He has to go home doesn't he? Wait for him at home or something like that! Tiger made me sat correctly.

Yes, go to his hotel and wait for him... You are the one wrong! Lola agreed.

You're right! I got up and grabbed my coat. Don't wait for me!

I got out of my dad's house almost running and entered one of my father's cars and speed through the highway towards Marshall's hotel. When I got there, I parked in the garage and managed to get to his floor.

329, 329... I examined all the doors in that floor. 329! I said when I found it.

Miss Taylor?! I heard when I was about to knock on Marshall's door.

Tim! Hello! Do you know if Marshall is in there? I asked a bit out of breath.

Uhm... He is but he made it very clear that I couldn't let you in, Miss! He got between me and the door.

NEVER LOVE AGAIN - An Eminem storyWhere stories live. Discover now